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Another Dog Attack In Melb.


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There's been another dog attack in Melbourne - this time a 27-year-old man was bitten on the lip after calling over the animal in order to pat it.

Police say the man was walking through a reserve in Berwick, in Melbourne's southeast, about 7pm (AEST) on Monday when he called over the dog he described as similar to a Staffordshire terrier.

As the man leant forward to pat it, the dog jumped up and bit him on the lip.

He was taken to the Dandenong Hospital where he isexpected to have plastic surgery.

Police are appealing for the dog's owner or anyone who may have seen the attack to come forward.

The attack follows the fatal mauling four weeks ago of four-year-old Ayen Chol who was mauled to death in her St Albans home by a neighbour's pit bull mastiff.

On August 23, two dogs attacked an elderly woman in her Ringwood home and last week three hockey players warming up before a game were bitten by a dog being exercised off its leash.

In that incident, one of the boys from Altona's Under 15 A-grade team suffered two tears to the back of his knee while another suffered bruising and teeth marks to his lower calf.


They had to bring that poor little girl into it, yet again. :(

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...and, IMO why we are seeing many more people with bites. :(

DOGS BITE !! joe public is not exposed anymore to hunting dogs/suburban dogs fighting over bitches/food as used to happen ..or people having a 'bitey' dog in their yard ...

joe public is too well insulated from dog, the predator/carnivore/animal and collective memory is disappearing amongst a soft fluffy ,perfumed cloud of cuddly lapdog.

..and so many dogs have no idea of what they are or how to behave anymore ....for varying reasons...

they should be treated with respect and caution - especially unknown dogs.

It is such a sad way we are 'progressing'

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...and, IMO why we are seeing many more people with bites. :(

DOGS BITE !! joe public is not exposed anymore to hunting dogs/suburban dogs fighting over bitches/food as used to happen ..or people having a 'bitey' dog in their yard ...

joe public is too well insulated from dog, the predator/carnivore/animal and collective memory is disappearing amongst a soft fluffy ,perfumed cloud of cuddly lapdog.

..and so many dogs have no idea of what they are or how to behave anymore ....for varying reasons...

they should be treated with respect and caution - especially unknown dogs.

It is such a sad way we are 'progressing'

Exactly...and when I hear of a dog biting an adult person in the face.... I have to wonder where their face was at the time of the incident? Particularly with an unknown dog.

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Maybe the man was trying to help a loose dog with no owner around, I doubt that he deserved to be bitten - maybe he was bending down to read the tag, I'm sure we've all done it. Lucky there were no kids around or it may have been worse in the way of injuries. Or perhaps it was a loving nip - I've just lost a dog that used to headbutt me and give me little love nips - sometimes they hurt.

I agree there needs to be an awful lot more education on how to interact with dogs though, I'm amazed at the amount of parents that let their children run full pelt at me and the dogs (on lead) or just let them go to pat the dogs without asking. I always use that moment to instruct them to always ask the owner BEFORE attempting to pat a dog and then how to do it - ie don't pat them on the head. This seems to be what the average person goes to do without a second thought.

Edited by dogmad
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Maybe the man was trying to help a loose dog with no owner around,
was bitten on the lip after calling over the animal in order to pat it.

IF the reporting is correct .....

That's the trouble isn't it.

WE NEVER get to hear the whole full story or find out the circumstances behind the event.

It leaves those, who are trying to help and get their heads around whats going on to merely speculate scenarios.

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Wish we could sue the media for keeping people in a constant state of hysteria by whipping these events up over the top, before all this started there is very little chance that this incident would even make the news.

And FFS STOP bringing up the death of that girl on the end of every dog related story. I'm sure the family don't need this! What will it be next? Every single story with the mention of "Dog" has it tacked on the end as an after thought? "There was a great DOG fundraising day for the DOG shelter... This follows the death of Ayen Chol... 6 months ago... after a pitbullmastiffoodle " blah blah. :mad

Again it comes down to the publics complete lack of idea how to handle dogs, he called a strange dog over to pat it? And if it was a staffy type dog chances are it was so excited to see him that he didnt infact get bitten he probably got whacked with the tooth in mid excited head butt. Or It was an excited bite, if the dog wanted to attack him he would have had more than a hole in his lip thats for sure.

Im over what the times have now become. :(

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I suppose what needs to be asked is "was this an unleashed area?" If not, what was the dog doing there not on leash - this is the real problem, loose dogs roaming around. It just shouldn't be allowed. Dogs have to be on leash at all times and in control of a competent person and if in an offleash area, must still be under control. So many people don't do the basics and this is when accidents will happen.

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I guess it comes back to basics. Don't touch a dog you don't know.

So if you saw a loose dog on the road that looked a bit freaked out you wouldn't stop to see if you could catch it and take it to a vet for a microchip scan?

This guy could have 'called the dog over' to catch it perhaps. Maybe not a dog savvy person, maybe it was a bitey dog :confused: who knows.

Just this afternoon there was slow traffic on the M7. Two large lean mastiffy type dogs loose on the median strip of the M7 :eek: A concerned guy pulled over and caught them, and then a motorcycle highway patrol also stopped to assist. No doubt these 2 saved those dogs lives. I swear they must have fallen off a ute, as the surrounding area was all concrete sound proofed.

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I'm constantly picking up loose dogs if I can catch them and I frequently can.

They are often running across roads or about to when I see them and stop my car - I carry a spare lead and slip collar.

I feel it's worth the risk - worth saving them from injury or death, worth preventing a car accident, worth preventing people who don't like dogs from being terrified, worth stopping the dog from being attacked or attacking an elderly person or child walking another dog and so on. It is worth the risk in my opinion.

If more people stopped to help loose dogs then we'd have less of the above scenarios happening.

The first thing I do is look for a tag but if I can't reach the owners i take them to a vet. If a dog appeared menacing then I wouldn't try and catch it I'd call the council or the police. I've followed a dog like that and called the council with the address of the house it could be found at.

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I'm constantly picking up loose dogs if I can catch them and I frequently can.

They are often running across roads or about to when I see them and stop my car - I carry a spare lead and slip collar.

I feel it's worth the risk - worth saving them from injury or death, worth preventing a car accident, worth preventing people who don't like dogs from being terrified, worth stopping the dog from being attacked or attacking an elderly person or child walking another dog and so on. It is worth the risk in my opinion.

If more people stopped to help loose dogs then we'd have less of the above scenarios happening.

The first thing I do is look for a tag but if I can't reach the owners i take them to a vet. If a dog appeared menacing then I wouldn't try and catch it I'd call the council or the police. I've followed a dog like that and called the council with the address of the house it could be found at.

I know accidents happen but I think far too many dog escapes are due to lax and irresponsible ownership and I have had it up to the eyeballs with picking up wandering dogs. I am starting to sound like a broken record but I WISH people took containing their animals to their own property seriously and that the councils enforced this more.

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I couldn't agree more Corrie. I'm sick to death of reading about loose dogs attacking people and dogs. I think the laws should be harsher for those who have dogs that attack other people or animals. There's far too much of it everywhere, including in my street in recent times. I've been so worried recently that I have to drive my own dogs somewhere else to walk safely.

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