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General Dog Discussion

Chris and Rhett

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Hi I am new to your group and have appreciated reading all the postings on your forum.

I was wondering if anyone can help me as I am chasing folding aluminium step ladder for dogs. I have a Irish Setter ( Rhett ) who is finding it hard to jump up into the back of our Landcruiser since my husband went and put new suspension on it...... He is too heavy for me to lift and not always can my husband come to the shows with me to lift him .I saw a Brand ; Master Supplies (USA). 4 step dog ladder with the top step being 30 inches high. Is there something similar that is light weight and that I can fit into the back of my Landcruiser. I would greatly appreciate feed back :)

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Hi Chris and Rhett, I have giant breed dogs and have just bought a Solvit pet ramp (a telescoping type ramp as mentioned by poodlefan). The Newfy show people put me on to it so it should be sturdy enough for an Irish setter. They are lightweight and easy to carry and store. I got mine from ebay.

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I am a ramp expert ha ha.

1st ramp: One of pair car ramp. Worked OK but not wide enough for older dogs. Carpeted and grip/paw struts. Pretty weighty to move.

2nd ramp: Imported from the US. Great, lighter but as we have side access to crates, hung out too far when parked close to other vehicles. FOR SALE AS NEW. ha! It is a Solvet.

3rd ramp: Given to us from a friend. Hand made, half a ramp with a drop down double leg. Dogs need to jump up first 2 foot or so, but light as a feather, and easy to move from crate to crate. I have five crates so needed something light.

Edited by Lablover
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