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A Litter Of Poo Eating Puppies!


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We have a litter of 7 puppies here at the moment, 5 1/2 weeks old.

Over the past few days they have decided that poo eating is the best thing on the planet!

The problem is primarily first thing in the morning, when they are having their first morning poos and they are hungry for breakfast - one puppy poos and then they all pounce on it, and it's gone in seconds :eek:

It doesn't seem to be as much of an issue during the day, so it seems to be mainly associated with their desperate hunger first thing in the morning, but I don't want it to become a habit.

These are not starving puppies, they are all in good chubby condition, it's not like their not getting enough to eat!

Our mode of attack at the moment is to be there when they have morning poos, and removing said poos the second they are delivered. Any attempts to pounce on poos is met with the clapping of hands and growling of voice.

We do the same during the day, removing any poos as soon as possible - immediately if we are then when the poo is done, but it's just not possible to be present for every poo.

Is there anything anyone else would do differently, or in addition to what we're already doing?

I'm quite used to litters who roll and play in the poo (and being greeted by poo covered puppies first thing in the morning), but this is the first time I've had a litter of poo eaters!

Any suggestions or advice very gratefully received :)

(My God, has there ever been a post with the word poo repeated so often?)

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You are just one of hundreds of breeders that have the same problem.

The easiest solution I can say is, off to the supermarket and buy crushed pineapple and add it to their food.

I usually stops it, it most cases.

It has nothing to do with diet what so ever it just smells good to them.

Edited by oakway
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Thanks oakway :) We have picked up some crushed pineapple, and they have had their first lot of it in their lunch, so fingers crossed!

I didn't realise it was such a common problem in litters. In 25 years, this is the first time we've had a litter of poo eaters, so maybe I should be counting my lucky stars that it's taken this long to happen :laugh:

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I forgot to add this..................

People who read this please feed it to the dog that does the Poo that gets eaten.

It is usless feeding to the dog that eats other dogs Poo that are not fed the Pineapple.

I have had people tell it did not stop their dog after feeding it because when they took it to the park it still eats the other dogs poo, Wellllllllllllll??????? :laugh:

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The problem is primarily first thing in the morning, when they are having their first morning poos and they are hungry for breakfast

Sneak around and get breakie ready before they wake up, that way when they do wake up breakie is the first thing they see and want to eat, rather then poo :eek:

I used to sneak around get breakie ready, wake them up with breakie in hand and they follow you outside like the pied pipper. :laugh:

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The puppies are awake the second they hear any sound, so greeting with their food bowl is no good - it's too late by then, they are already wide awake and well into toileting by the time you get out there with the food :laugh:

We already work it such that OH goes out as soon as we wake up to grab the poos while I'm making their breakfast,and then they are fed as soon as breakfast is ready.

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Haven't had this myself but recently have had several people tell me their litters are doing the same thing - how weird.

Several years ago I worked in conjunction with Dr Robert Holmes for about 18 months through the training company I worked for. We worked on Behaviour Problem Dogs - I was suprised at how many dogs have this issue. His team had done research on how to approach and treat / cure this problem as obviously it is quite a hard 'behaviour problem' for people to deal with (or thats how they see it - the dog being naughty).

Their research concluded that the dogs initially have a digestive / absorbtion issue and they are not getting everything they should from their food - therefore it is not digested fully when they defecate - so to them they think it is still food. We treated with digestives and natural treatments to balance their systems to get them working properly (pineapple breaks down enzymes which is why it seems to work).

With dogs that had been doing this a long time we had to do behavior modification as well (as it had become a habit) but with bubbas you should be able to add digestives to their diet to help their systems cope with their food better.

I have suggested to the people who spoke to me about it to add digestives - I like Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes and find that Super Colostrum is fantastic to add to puppies food when they are first weaned - though won't hurt to add it now, you can get it in tablet or powder form - great product.

It may be only one or two puppies that aren't digesting properly but working that out would be impossible - far easier to treat them all.

There are quite a few Natropaths around who do system analysis but if you want a contact feel free to pm me.

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I have suggested to the people who spoke to me about it to add digestives - I like Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes and find that Super Colostrum is fantastic to add to puppies food when they are first weaned - though won't hurt to add it now, you can get it in tablet or powder form - great product.

It may be only one or two puppies that aren't digesting properly but working that out would be impossible - far easier to treat them all.

Hi Bisart Dobes,

A few of questions for you...

1. Can you get a "canine" specific Super Colostrum as I know of many brands but all contain lactose and cows milk proteins?

2. With the Lifestream ADE, is there a canine specific brand?

2. Where do you buy your Super Colostrum and Lifestream ADE from as neither appear to be easily found in Vic?

Thanks in advance for your reply :thumbsup:

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I have suggested to the people who spoke to me about it to add digestives - I like Lifestream Advanced Digestive Enzymes and find that Super Colostrum is fantastic to add to puppies food when they are first weaned - though won't hurt to add it now, you can get it in tablet or powder form - great product.

It may be only one or two puppies that aren't digesting properly but working that out would be impossible - far easier to treat them all.

Hi Bisart Dobes,

A few of questions for you...

1. Can you get a "canine" specific Super Colostrum as I know of many brands but all contain lactose and cows milk proteins?

2. With the Lifestream ADE, is there a canine specific brand?

2. Where do you buy your Super Colostrum and Lifestream ADE from as neither appear to be easily found in Vic?

Thanks in advance for your reply :thumbsup:

1. How great would it be to get a Canine Colostrum !!! - I know you can get it in the States & I have tried to get it here but they won't ship it. So I have settled with 'normal colostrum' - it is bovine colostrum powder and thats the only one I have found here too. I haven't had any issues with our dogs and cows milk or cows milk products and will continue to use it. If anyone can get Canine Colostrum into the country let me know . . .

2. The Lifestream ADE is vegetarian thats why I use it for myself :) and the dogs get it because I have it there. Our local Health Food Shop gets it in - Karingal. But most would be happy to get a product in for you if you ask. You can get it online - link below.

Pharmacy online (NSW based)


3.The Super Colostrum I also get from our Health Food Shop its Goodlife Nutrition - but I have seen it in Chemists also.

I also use Cellfood, Transfer Factor and Spiriulina + our powder mix, dry mix & wet mix :) (one day I will market them all !!!) with all my dogs throughout their lives but find that the Colostrum & ADE are good for babies as soon as they start the weaning process - the other things get added in as they get older (they get them through mum anyway).

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