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Herding Clinics Close To Melbourne

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I'm tossing up the idea of taking Kenzie to some herding clinics. So, two questions about this...

Firstly, any details of clinics that are held not too far from Melbourne (north preferred)????

Secondly, any feedback on experiences???? Does doing this sort of thing make them want to herd more? Or does it give them a release for this behaviour, so therefore they do it in appropriate contexts? Or am I worrying about nothing!!? But any feedback on how your dog has coped with this sort of thing would be great as I have absolutely no experience in this area and am a little apprehensive about testing the waters!!! :confused:

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I can't help with the Melb question, but I can have a go at the others :)

My 2 kelpies have been herding since March this year, and it has been great for them. The number one thing that my boy in particular has gotten out of it is learning to listen better under high-excitement situations. He can be reactive to fast movement, but i can now use the same commands that work for keeping him off the sheep to stop him from chasing joggers and bikes.

They get very excited on 'sheep day', and for herding breeds this is the highest level of reward, so i find it great for motivating behaviours like 'stop' and 'lay down' because if they don't do them they don't get to keep working sheep! I haven't noticed any increase in inappropriate herding behaviour, but if they did try they would now know how to take commands to stop.

So in short I say go for it :thumbsup: It is great to see dogs 'switch on' to what they were bred to do :D

ETA: plus they are so tired after a couple of hours herding, it's the longest stretch of peace and quiet we ever get from them!

Edited by Weasels
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I go to herding training at Nyora. http://www.herdingtraining.com/

There is also training at Diggers Rest http://www.herding.webs.com/

Paul McPhail has also started to do some training in Boronia - http://belokakelpies.com/

There was no change in behavior from 2 of my dogs. It did seem to increase one of my dog's bossiness towards other dogs. She was also much more into the herding then the other 2. It hasn't made any of them display unwanted herding behavior towards people or animals.

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I take Shae to the same one Jules goes to at Nyora. She loves it and so do I.

Changes in behaviour? None. She's still the same little dog as before we started. She still loves to chase a tennis ball, she doesn't herd anything other than when we're at herding training and she's in with the sheep.

it's been very good for increasing the bond between her and I.......it's the one thing we do together with no other dog involved.

I was a bit apprehensive when we first started..........would she like it, would I understand it, would be look like a pair of idiots??? The instructors are fantastic, and although I still have a lot of vacant-brain moments, we have taken part in trials and gained our first title.

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Just relax, they are there to guide you into what to do or not to do. The first time will just be a play around to see if your girl has any interest and sometimes that can take a few session but you might be surprised she could be very switched on.

Good Luck!!

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Its good fun, I think I shall see you there :) don't be nervous! The first time you will just be in a small undercover area and its just to see how much interest your dog has in sheep. Don't be worried if they show no interest first go as you will get a couple tries and even then sometimes it takes some a bit longer apparently!

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Herding is fun and I hate to say it but it has now joined my list of 'sports' to do! I've been resisting for 4 years, but finally I've had to succumb!

So the poor girls at Double K are doing to be seeing more of me I'm afraid! looks like my homebred girlie is just a little bit too good at it to leave behind, her mother is pretty good too so I should do it with her. Tahli needs to be exposed and well, Leo's probably only good enough to get his PT :rofl:

Let the herding games begin :rofl:

Kenzie looks like she is having fun PME :). Maybe we should go together next time??? :thumbsup:

Edited by leopuppy04
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