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Best Way To Set Up Dog Bath At Home

Zug Zug

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For the past few years I have had smaller dogs (a bichon and a mini poodle) and we've had a great set up of a laundry tub set into an outside island bench under our pergola. I have used a hose attachment on the tap, and it has been a great way to wash the dogs at a comfortable height for me and my back.

Now 2 things are changing - I'm getting a bigger dog (a standard poodle) and we are moving to a new (well old, but new to us) house. So I need to set up a new dog bathing arrangement.

It is very important that I set myself up well because I will be bathing dogs regularly, and I have a history of quite serious back problems. So I am willing to spend a bit of money to get it right, and potentially get a plumber to hook us up or whatever if that's the best thing to do. We expect to live in this new house for a very long time.

Critical thing is I don't want to be lifting the dog (so a ramp or steps or whatever need to be part of the design) and I want the dog to be at a good height for me to work with while the bath itself is happening. Ideally we set it up so the grooming table is immediately alongside.

I don't mind getting a bit wet - that is less of an issue. But I want to be standing up and comfortable.

I have thought about purchasing a smaller normal person's bath and installing it into a special frame at a height to suit me. But not sure about getting the dog up there without lifting it. I have also thought about using a simple walk-up platform with low sides and a drain, and a hose that is attached to the wall. That could work, but could also be a bit hard perhaps to keep the dog in place (but maybe not, and I could potentially train for this).

Ideas? Anyone got something great at home that works well for them?

ETA: my bichon died a few months ago, but our mini poodle still has a few naughty years in her yet!

Edited by Zug Zug
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We have a bath which is at waist height for me. we also have some wooden steps that the dogs walk up to into the bath. I find this a great way to wash my newfies. I easily do three in a row. I also have a large grooming table, again with steps up to it. My dogs love being washed and groomed, so just saying bath or table, gets them there

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