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Two Questions

Double Lab Love

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I have a two fold question if anyone can assist...

Any suggestions/advice would be greatly appreciated... apologies if asked before but can't find the links...

Firstly - and this topic relates to my two Labs - I was afer any recs for doggy day care centres in / around lower blue mountains / Penrith. My wonderful day care lady has to close her day care centre as of this weekend ( very sad circumstances) and I have just had Tango home from patella surgery yesterday and was hoping that Tippi could be kept at day care whilst he recovers for the 6 weeks....

Luckily - or unluckily - :( - Mr DDL is now at home job searching due to company restructuring which hopefully will be rectified shortly - hopefully....

Due to the nature of our work (when in work) we are both away over 12 hours a day (have to work in CBD) which meant that we utilised day care for most days which was a god send when our two were puppies and destructive youngsters :D

I guess I am hoping for any suggestions/recs re day care/minders/anything - or how to manage the two if no one is home during the work week.... They are both crate trained but 12 hours is too long contain a 20 mnth old Lab...

Any suggestions ( any even outside the square) would be appreciated - the curve balls have flown thick and fast this last month :mad

Secondly - this question relates to my neighbour's 7 mnth old cattle dog....

They are going OS in two weeks time and have decided - due to pup's boisterous behaviour (won't even go there) that they need to have him boarded but also are considering having him trained in basic obediance at the same time - which is badly needed.....

They have asked me - as the street's dog obsessed lady - for any recs on training / boarding - not my choice however they feel it might be a useful thing to do since have to board their pup anyway...

So any recs for this sort of facility in or around the same area as above would be greatly appreicated...

Mmmmm - seeing potential business opportunities having just read back on all of the above :)

Thanking in advance...

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