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Sighthound Collar On A Staffy


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I love the look of sighthound collars :heart: , like the ones in the links below, and have been wondering if they would be ok as an everyday collar for my SBT. I notice they come in a either a standard buckle or martingale type and the material can be anywhere from leather to rubber and silk.

Vulcan currently wears a staffy collar, thick on one side with thinner ends towards the buckle. This design works for us which is why I've been thinking about whether we could use sighthound collars which have a similar design (and are much more attractive :laugh: ).

I haven't seen any sighthound collars in real life so I haven't been able to get a handle on strength, size or practicality of the different styles and materials for a staffy.

Very interested to hear peoples thoughts on how a sighthound collar might work for an SBT... or what problems we might encounter if we tried one..

My link

My link

Edited by Polgara's Shadow
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Yep, I have them.

I have a Blackdog one and several others, that I use.

ETA: most of the leather one's are of a suitable quality and strenght to be used on an SBT, the only issue you will have is the size.

Soemthing else to think about, is the d-link , with lead attached, will put the pretty thick part of the collar under the dogs neck.

Have you checked out the Sighthound martigales ? They have some super one's that are also suitable for the SBT's, we have some of those as well.

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Oh..I'm so excited to hear they can be used with sucess on staffords...thanks for responding ReadySetGo! There really are some divine ones,I can already feel my credit cards groaning :o .

Can you explain to me a bit more what you mean by size maybe an issue? Can the circumfrence be too small or are you referring to the width of the material?

Yep I want the thick bit to be under his neck when we walk so that it dispurses the pressure, the staffy collar does this and it works well for us.

I've looked at the martingales and wonder if they would slip off when there isn't tension on the lead to pull the ends together?

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Just the size of the dogs neck but most of the places that make them, will also custom make.

The martingales will not pull off over the head. Another collar that works well, is the "limited slip" some of the Sighthound places also make these in thick widths and they will suit too.



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Love the first link Ready Set :thumbsup: The rolled and decorated collar is gorgeous!

I use Regalhounddesign too, i have a chain martingale for my dally, really lovely.

My bully tends to slip out of her collar when she abrutly stops, so i looked at sighthound ones too.

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