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Moving To Australia From Nz - Advice Bringing Our 2 Staffy's


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Hi All

I am new to this forum, which by the way is great. I am after some advice on bringing our two Staffy girls over to Sydney from Queenstown, NZ. Firstly some basic info about what is required once there. Here they have to be registered with the local council, microchipped etc, what is the proceedure in NSW? What documentation do we need and will they need to be re-microchipped? Does anyone know how much this costs? Also are there any restrictions in this area regarding Staffordshire Bull Terriers? Thank you in advance.

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Kia Ora Lolastaffy

There will be no trouble coming over with your staffies there are no restrictions. Just use common sense - we have the general rules that apply to all dog owners, must be onlead in public, muct clean up after them, muct be microchipped and registered with the council etc.

Since they are microchipped all you will need to do is bring the paperwork with you and they will go on a database in NSW -assuming the microchip can be read - which it should. In NSW there is a once only life time registration. If you are a registered breeder it is only $40.00 if not it will be $100+ for and entire male or female.Though I think individual councils may charge different rates. Email the local council you are moving to and they will let you know the costs. If you are a member of the NZ Canine Council email the NSW CC and start to organise the transfer of you NZ paperwork to the ANKC registration. Dogs NSW is PAINFULLY slow sometimes.

Have a look at the AQIS website about vaccination http://www.daff.gov.au/aqis but I would email them their website is toooo busy! :thumbsup:Flights, transport etc will cost a bit - there are a number of companies which fly dogs, there is no quarantiine though for NZ dogs as long as the vaccinations are all up to date. The transport companies will tell you about the vaccination requirements too. I use Dogtainers but there are a number of options which can be cheaper. Hunt about.

Other than that welcome to OZ

Edited by Tapua
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Kia Ora,

We brought our two dogs with us from Waiheke - we found AQIS great and it was very straightforward. We actually had our dogs boarded with either DogMovers or DogTainers (sorry cant remember which) so that the dogs were away from all the chaos of the movers etc at our house and they actually got the dogs vaccinated with their necessary trans-Tasman shots, got them crated and on board etc and then phoned us in Oz to say the dogs had been safely put on the plane. We picked them up at Sydney and that was it!!

Much easier than transporting the five kids was! LOL

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We came over to Qld 3 years ago with 3 Staffords and it's very simple.

If your dogs are NZKC registered you need to put their microchip number on their export pedigrees.

If they aren't NZKC registered then be VERY CAREFUL. "Pitbull type" dogs can't be imported and if yours look a bit iffy you could have problems with AQIS, or later on with a dog control officer.

You will need to use an agent to book the flight but you can do everything yourself if you want to. You can get the dogs booked on the same plane as you (most airlines - book the dogs first then yourself if you want to do this or you might book an airline that won't take dogs :o ). They can't fly excess baggage, only freight, but the only difference is the price not in the way they're treated

They need their MAF vet check 2? 3? days prior, this is a simple vet check that costs about 4 x as much as a usual simple vet check (rip off) and you get a piece of paper for it. You have to sign a stat dec so don't plan to do it all on the last Saturday you're in town :eek:

Make sure they're used to being crated or the plane trip will be a very stressful experience

Easy to pick them up this end - no quarantine, no hassle, no GST (not like going in to NZ!)

Check out the local vets or ask on here when you have your house - you need to be aware of ticks and heartworm and locals are the best ones to tell you what your local area is like.

Be very aware of the climate for the first summer at least, always err on the side of caution if you're going out and not sure if it's going to be hot or stupidly hot. If you have dogs with storm issues be very careful during the storm season to think ahead about when you'll be home and where the dog is going to be if you're delayed and the storm beats you home. It would pay to budget for a couple of cool coats, a paddling pool and air con in the house :)

Edited by Sandra777
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Wow, thanks everyone, you have been so helpful. Yes both dogs are NZKC registered, though the older one was a re-home from a breeder, so will look at getting her papers.

Also thanks for the advice about the cool covers! Great idea. The heat has been something I have been worried about as we will be heading over about December so it could be a bit of a shock for the girls - and me!!

Many thanks for all your advice everyone, very much appreciated.

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