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My dog Jodie has been training to do flyball for 1 3/4 years and we are ready for the team to compete with other clubs.After Jodie had her 10 puppies last April she ever better than ever.

Until now in the last 2 weeks she is doing things that she has never done before like not jumping on the way up missing on the way back not come when called and trying to steal the other teams ball.That was last week .This week she was a little better but she still crossed the line.

In Australia if she mucks it up

yellow card to disqualify the team

red card out of the day

black card out for the year

The 1st competition is on in 2 weeks

Can anyone tell why this has happened and how to fix it.


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Pretty sure you are at Frankston yeah? If so I am the lady with the Tollers (Jovi and Darcy) that do a bit of everything :)

Personally I would stop running her in the team and go back to basics for awhile. She needs to be reinforced with what to do outside the team environment where it's less distracting and once she is back to doing full runs consistently, test her in the team again.

Too me she sounds as if she has gotten to the stage where it's not rewarding enough for her to do what you want her to do, so she is now making it up to make it more fun!

What reward are you using? For one of mine when he was competing he got bits of dim sims as a reward, he never got it anywhere else and he adores them so they are an awesome occasional treat. My other two love roast chicken and cheese so that's what they will get when we compete.

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