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So If You Could Make A Dog Documentary...


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I'd do a documentary on a month at the pound. People just have no idea what really goes on. I'd probably try one of the big pounds - Blacktown would be a good one. I'd cover everything including rescuers, adopters, people surrendering dogs, rangers, staff behind the desk and the killing shed. It's about time people got a good dose of reality.

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I would do one showing the dogs and pups taken from puppy farms or those that have been kept for weeks in a glass box in a pet shop ;like the ones i once encountered at a pet store that had spent 8 weeks like this ,only getting out in a courtyard if a customer wanted to see them.At 15 weeks old one didn't know there were different ground levels out in the world and would keep running of the retaining wall and landing on his head.I would highlight the long term mental and developmental affect on animals raised in confinement.

It would cover the rehabilitation needed for them to then cope out in the world.

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What would it be about?

Ethical Breeders - They are out there.

What would it cover?

How to find a responsible and ethical breeder (where, when, why and how).

I agree, we really need some good publicity.

I would also add in that all the work good breeders do to get a lovely puppy, the amount of money it costs to breed a litter, the heartache and loss that goes into breeding.

I would also like to see a good one on showing, that prooves we arnt all total nutters :laugh:

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I'd make it the life of a badly bred, ill socialised dog from birth to sale to adolesence to one way trip to the vet. The conditions they are bred in, the difficulties these dogs have coping in life and then the lack of home they have when they have such poor genetic temperament and social skills.

It might make more people stop buying dogs out of sheer pity or out of their capabilities and STOP encouraging these shonky a-holes from continuously breeding bad dogs, then making money from tugging on heart strings.

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I agree, we really need some good publicity.

I would also add in that all the work good breeders do to get a lovely puppy, the amount of money it costs to breed a litter, the heartache and loss that goes into breeding.

I would also like to see a good one on showing, that prooves we arnt all total nutters :laugh:

I totally agree on both accounts. It has been too long since 'Best in show' came out and I can name a couple of characters at the local show that would be excellent to watch :rofl:

As a groomer I would love to do one on a month in a salon and show how neglected some people let their dogs get. It could show some of the consequences in getting an impulse pet shop puppy without taking into consideration what their coat needs would be and also the confusion when they buy a 'non-shedding oodle' only for the owners to find out it sheds everywhere and mats as well!! There is also the fun side of grooming. Having a shaggy, dirty dog come in and go out looking like a million bucks.

Maybe one of these ideas I can use for my first major film assignment. :)

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I'd probably do one on my "failed foster" dog Pickles...

Born in a remote camp in the Northern Territory, suffered an injury to the brain (no knowing exactly how) which caused her to be unable to walk, enter the lovely community worker who spotted her and decided that she was too nice a dog to suffer and die due to her circumstances, plane ride to Sydney into the hands of rescue, foster carer who totally fell in love with her... pan to lovely healthy and happy nearly 1 year old girl (birthday 25 Sept) who walks a little funny but doesn't know any different, so that's OK... *grin*

I'd probably have a few "props" of various other foster pups that Pickles helps along the way... basically a bit of a view of rescue and foster caring and giving dogs a second chance at the great life they should have had from the start.

Oh - and there is a total misconception about dogs in pounds having something "wrong" with them... the sheer number of absolutely delightful dogs in pounds is heartbreaking. Ask any rescuer how many truly "broken" or "bad" dogs they have seen in a pound, and you may be surprised at how few there actually are...


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There's two Documentaries I would really really like to make.

One of them would be following the progress of several people, say 4-6 and their dogs on their journey to show their dogs to a championship title.

I'd want to have a first time exhibitor, someone who has been in it for years, someone with a coated breed, etc etc

I'd also like to make the registered breeder version of 7 pups for 7 people

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Maybe a 2 or 3 section doco that covered all of these bases

The problems that back yard/ puppy farms cause on the well being of the dog short and long term

pounds and rescues and the over crowding and heart ache of those who can't find homes (or just can't be placed) as well as the countless hours of effort put in by those who run it and the volunteers.

And the Efforts and devotion that ethical reg breeders go though to provide a beautiful, safe and healthy puppy.

I just think if your gonna show why it shouldn't be done, it's better to give the option where to go to get a family pet that be either a rescue/pound or ethical Breeder.

But I also think the the dollar values should be mention in all three cases. I know of people who have it set in their mind and all efforts to prove otherwise fruitless, they can get a dog off a notice board for less then $100 why pay $800 ++ from a breeder or even $200- $300 from a pound or rescue. and that they've always done that and never had 'problems'. I think it needs to be put out there that 1 good dog with no 'problems' don't make up for the 1000s that do or get dumped.

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great ideas all, the reason I ask is I may be able to get ideas into the head of serious doco makers (mainstream TV)...so just putting it out there to see what area would be best to present when and if I do, and I will head them this way to good ole' DOL as well for feedback/info and support..I think its high time that somthing Benifiting the purebreed dog community would be a GOOD thing :)

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