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Treatment For Dog With Slipped Disc In Act


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Bumped into a friend today whose 8 year old poodle x has a slipped disc. He has been to the vet and has some medication but I have heard of some alternative therapies/chiropracters can help so I told her I would ask on here.

Does anyone have any recomendations?

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I'd book the dog in to see Dr Sandra Hassett at the Animal Medical Centre in Phillip. She is both a vet and a chiropractor.

There are other good canine chiropractors around but also a couple of quacks. For such an issue I think Sandra would be the best bet. Have x-rays been taken?

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Thanks Poodlefan - I was hoping you would know.

She did say that lots of investigations were done because they werent sure what was wrong so I would take a guess xrays were done but cant guarantee it.

He was recently brought home from the pound so they dont know much about his history. All she said is that he was fine then one morning woke up was in pain and couldnt move.

They have a younger dog who is quite healthy so this is their first experience (apart from vaccinations) with vets in Canberra

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