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Would You Sell A Puppy..



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  1. 1. Would you? (Read OP)

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The "homophobic breeder" thread got me thinking about this topic. Say if you were a breeder (you might be I guess I dunno) and you've been chatting to a puppy buyer who sounds great, has secure fencing, takes care of another dog and does lots of activities with it, obviously loves their pets, ticks all the boxes, even, and could provide a wonderful home for one of your puppies.. and then you find out something about that person.

Either they're a person with whom you've had serveral unrelated disagreements with on these forums (maybe an argument about sports or organ donation or religion or something) and now you just mutually ignore one another because of them, or you Google them and find out they're political activists, or even they send you a photo of themselves and they turn out to be from some sort of circle that you may hate (be that gay, leather-fitted bikies, full of piercings or tattoos, etc--and you happen to be conservative and normally steer clear of those people because of whatever prejudices you may have).

What is important to note here that even after you look them up or find something about them that you personally really dislike/hate, they still tick all the boxes could be a perfect home for one of your puppies.

Would you still sell a puppy to them, if they could provide a fantastic home for it?

Edited by Dju
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What is important to note here that even after you look them up or find something about them that you personally really dislike/hate, they still tick all the boxes could be a perfect home for one of your puppies.

Yes I would. But then I can't think of many things that would make me "dislike" a person without knowing them. If I had clashes with someone on the forum about how a dog should be treated/trained then they obviously wouldn't fit the above statement to me personally ;)

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What is important to note here that even after you look them up or find something about them that you personally really dislike/hate, they still tick all the boxes could be a perfect home for one of your puppies.

Yes I would. But then I can't think of many things that would make me "dislike" a person without knowing them. If I had clashes with someone on the forum about how a dog should be treated/trained then they obviously wouldn't fit the above statement to me personally ;)

I guess it could be about off-topic things too, like how they could be very loud about their opinion that they don't want refugees here and you think "Gee, that's mean!"--just something like that. Completely irrelevant to their ability to raise and take care of a puppy, but something you find abhorrent anyways.
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I guess it could be about off-topic things too, like how they could be very loud about their opinion that they don't want refugees here and you think "Gee, that's mean!"--just something like that. Completely irrelevant to their ability to raise and take care of a puppy, but something you find abhorrent anyways.

I don't dislike people for having a difference of opinion to me - if everyone thought the same thing then life would be boring :coffee: But then I can usually argue both sides in a debate anyway :laugh:

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As far as the homophobic thread we have only heard one side of a story so i don;t believe anyone can state black/white that is the actual reason at all & to be honest if the reason isn't true than i feel for that breeder .

As an interest the dog world has alot gay couples / breeders & are wonderful dog ambassadors & super people

Selling a pup is about both parties ticking the right boxes .

The fact there are plenty of reasons that some people won't sell.

I now a rescue org that won't sell if your income is under a certain amount but also won;t sell if you work long hrs.

These that won;t sell with young kids,outsdie dog only etc etc

If its a genuine reason to the breeder then its there choice whether one agrees or not ,after all they have to feel happy with the pup going there

Some reasons may well be trivial or silly but each to there own.

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It would depend on what we disagreed about. I can disagree with a persons opinion on something and still be their friend.

The most important thing would be how they would look after and treat the dog and if we can comunicate reasonably well.

I have a gay couple waiting for a pup from me and to be honest their sexuality has never entered my thoughts when deciding if they were an appropriate owner.

Agreed with Sandra 777 - Nope not to a PETA activist - as I am quite sure their views and mine on dog ownership would vary substantially.

Edited by OSoSwift
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No way I would sell a puppy to a PETA activist!!!

Modified my post, probably a bad idea to mention PETA when I'm trying to seperate the idea of a person's ability to look after a dog and disliking a puppy buyer on a differentiating personal level. :laugh:
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No way I would sell a puppy to a PETA activist!!!

Mention RSPCA in a chirpy voice and I'd be canning them as well..


I'm not so sure about PETA, but if you'd asked me 12 months ago I'd have been training at the RSPCA every week (flyball) and not been saying bad things about RSPCA. BUT, my dogs also train 2 other nights a week, compete most weekends, live inside, aren't left alone for prolonged periods etc etc etc, but you still wouldn't sell a pup to me?

If I didn't like the way someone looked after their dogs then I would have a problem giving them a pup. If it was for any otehr reason I didn't like them and I felt that they would be a good owner then I would have no problem letting them have a pup.

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It would depend on what set me off about that person. If there is something I don't like about them, they don't get my puppy. I made the mistake once and it nearly cost the dog her life. She went off to a home that ticked the boxes, but there was something about them that I couldn't put my finger on that I didn't like. Long story short, she left to die. A kind soul found her and got her help and with the help of some brilliant rescue people she came home, rehabiliated with me and lived until a brain tumour killed her.

I currently have 3 puppies that I will be starting to home in a month, and I guarantee i'll be as fussy as all hell with where they go.

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No, I wouldn't. In order for me to reeeally dislike someone, as in..."I really don't like So and So". There would have to be an obvious clash of values. Even if they did tick all the right boxes. Too much leeway for things to get truly nasty if not everything went to plan. And I find it difficult to talk to people I truly dislike under the best of circumstances. Let alone if something bad was to happen.

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I disagree with my friends often :laugh: . I would hate to meet someone who agreed with me 100% - THAT would make me more worried ;)

It is not about disagreement though IMO, but the ability to get along. If there was someone who looked like they could be good puppy buyer but I just didn't feel I could work comfortably with them in partnership for some reason then I may think twice. Sometimes it may come down to fundamental philosophies about different things (even on raising the pup - some things may not make them 'bad' dog owners but it may not be the way I want one of my dogs raised) and sometimes it may just be a personality thing.

If I don't feel 'comfortable' then I would have to take that into consideration given I would want to stay in touch with the person and play a role in the puppy's life. If the relationship was not comfortable then that could compromise things in relation to the pup. No good if the owner doesn't feel comfortable coming to you for advice or help or if you hesitate to contact them about something to do with the pup for some reason. Sure you could say 'get over it', but that is not how human nature works. Better to recognise it up front and admit you dont think you could get on with someone rather than create possible problems. You are not doing the dog any favours that way.

JMHO :shrug:

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