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Officially Introducing The New Pack.


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You all know Indie and have briefly met Astrid pre-parvo. I think its time that I offically post some photos of the new, complete pack and Introduce our new addition, Mala :D

All 3 are Renbury Poundies...

Indie~Male Siberian Husky

Astrid~ Female Terrier x

Mala~6mth Female Dane/Mastiff x Amstaff

The girls are inseparable. Always sleep wrapped up in each others paws, playing fetch and tug together (Mala is so gentle that Astrid often wins tug lol). Indie loves getting involved too but tries do remain "dignified" , asif he is too old for their silly nonsense but then will snuggle up to them when he thinks no one is watching :D .

Astrid is your typical terrier, hyper and thinks she is the size of a great dane. She loves nothing more than annoying the beejeezes out of Indie wrestling, fetching and digging holes to china, little angel that she is :angeldevil: .

Mala is the most gentle, loving dog I have ever met. She even has our family/friends that have strong dislikes/fears of bull breeds falling head over heels in love with her. Such a gentle soul.

Sorry for the photo size, my photo editer doesnt like me much just now, sorry.









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