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Enriched Environment For Pups


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I posted these in 'Those Crazy Labs' Pete and I are really happy to have this finished for our next litter. I thought that some of the trainers might like to see a breeder making an effort to stimulate and raise puppies so they are alert and smart. As well as experiencing ENS between days 3-16 plus all the indoor sounds of TV, Light, radio, vacuum cleaner people etc when they go outside they get this as well.

The kindy has a kennel and the tunnel with wings whre they can explore and do hoonies and zoomies and ambush each other.


In the larger pen they go for a walk each morning up to the day pen and get to meet the big kids through the fence and play in the gym.


These are my older dogs in search mode trying to find the item I hid.


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Yes we are really noticing the difference in the brains department - and their general curiosity they are interested in everything - not in a destructive way just plain nosey - I really like it. My older pups that we have bred 5 months & 11 months are very smart and very responsive to voice control. Loving the difference! :thumbsup:

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It is amazing the difference. In the wild pups would be venturing and exploring the minute they can get about. Life is about trial and error, they need to develop physical control and confidence somehow :D

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What a great Idea (one that I think I will be borrowing :))

I was trying to work out how to use a ladder I have to build something for the kelpies to climb on to try and strengthen their back legs- but this looks like a MUCH easier option than actually trying to create something myself.

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Good. I wish more breeders would do this they should be out there the minute they can get up of their fat little tummies and build strength. Too many lazy whelping box coddled pups in the world.

Sometimes I admit I am quite suprised by how long both puppies & kittens (as I breed cats too ) are kept in a whelping box or crate. I know some breeders leave them in for 4 or 5 weeks. Mine are out at week 3. While they can't just be let loose around the house & yard for their safety there is no reason why furniture can't be moved around in the living area to accommodate large playpens so they can see & hear what is going on.

I have similar play equipment set up in a spare room for my kittens so they can stretch, climb & go nuts in a safe area but not for my tiny poodles they would fall off. Sometimes I pop them in there while floor cleaning if its raining outside but I do take the ladder away. Discarded kiddy play things make great pet things with a little imagination. This slide was a throw away item. Big favourite with the cats with some carpet on it & an agile dog could use it.


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Looks great! Wish it was more commonplace. I've heard of one breeder having a set up that pups had to go through a close sided tunnel with a flap that pups had to push through to get to their dinner. They also had to cross several different textures underfoot to get there too.

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