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mrs tornsocks

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Just keep a close eye on him.

If he starts shaking, drooling, whining etc then it's off to the vet straight away.

Some dogs can tolerate chocolate, others can't, it's a bit of a waiting game.

One of mine ate a bag of choc buttons a few months back, he was shaking and whining so we rushed off to the vet... on the way there he threw up EVERYWHERE in the car and by the time we got to the vet was pretty much back to normal, we were lucky.

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Thanks for those links guys. It was milk chocolate, I even upped the amount I think he ate & the toxicity calculator came back as 'none'. I will keep an eye on him anyway obviously, thanks for those symptom tips.

I think it would probably be best for your dog's safety if you eat all the remaining chocolate in the house now. :)

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Thanks for those links guys. It was milk chocolate, I even upped the amount I think he ate & the toxicity calculator came back as 'none'. I will keep an eye on him anyway obviously, thanks for those symptom tips.

I think it would probably be best for your dog's safety if you eat all the remaining chocolate in the house now. :)

Well, the 75g that was left on the coffee table I only left so hubby didn't think I was a total pig (he's been away for four days for work). I guess I'll need to go buy a new block and eat three quarters before he gets home.

Archie meanwhile is still lying down on his bed, even though I've called him out. He wags when I go to him and seems fine, maybe he's just sulking because I roused on him. It's been about 30 mins since he thieved the stash.

Edited by mrs tornsocks
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Thanks for those links guys. It was milk chocolate, I even upped the amount I think he ate & the toxicity calculator came back as 'none'. I will keep an eye on him anyway obviously, thanks for those symptom tips.

I think it would probably be best for your dog's safety if you eat all the remaining chocolate in the house now. :)


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Thanks for those links guys. It was milk chocolate, I even upped the amount I think he ate & the toxicity calculator came back as 'none'. I will keep an eye on him anyway obviously, thanks for those symptom tips.

I think it would probably be best for your dog's safety if you eat all the remaining chocolate in the house now. :)

I bought a block tonight and put it in the fridge. Think I best go eat it in case my Labs get into the fridge while I sleep tonight :D

mrs ts, glad to hear Archie seems to be doing ok! But yes, you definitely need to go and buy another block and eat 3/4 of it, it's only logical ;) thumbsup1.gif

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