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Socializing Puppy


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We had decided to try and get puppy out as much before he has his 12 week injection so we thought hubby could carry him around ( i suspect he will be too heavy for me to carry) for example if I take my big dog to the dog park and hubby just carries the pup what is the chances of him getting parvo. It will be beginning of september that he comes home at 8 weeks??

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And so much depends on how much parvo there is around the area at the time. You could ring round local vets, clubs etc and see what the situation is. We're lucky down here in that there don't seem to be too many outbreaks, so we can take a few more chances. It's always a bit of a trade-off. And even fully vaccinated (according to my previous vet) there still might not be 100% protection. (From what I've read, Nobivac somehow gets round the effect of lingering maternal antibodies.)

I had to take some chances with Rory as I was traveling to the mainland just after he had his 12 week shot. Luckily, no problems. As long as you're taking a calculated risk, and you're ready to rush puppy to the vet at the first sign of any trouble, you should be fine. IMHO - it's not possible to eliminate all risk, unless you're prepared to disinfect people as they come into the house or yard :D .

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Personally i would avoid the dog park,that is one high risk area that is worth it.I dare say at some point put will have to be put on the ground because it will wiggle with excitement & be hard to hold & may need to toilet.

If you live close to the canine i would sooner take them done the back & walk together

Remember though you could be bringing parvo home on your shoes etc etc .

We take risks with ours because they need to get out but some areas are just not worth it for a sake of a few weeks

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Thats a 'no' from me as well. I think it is just too risky to take a puppy that hasn't had all of his needles to a place where

you know heaps of other dogs go.The pravo virus is a terrible thing & so highly contagious for many years apparently. It stays in the

soil. Thats just one thing they can catch.

I don't take my pups out on a lead till they are 16 week's & fully vaccinated. Just not worth the risk. But thats just me. :)

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I dont live close to canine SHowdog Im all the way out in Ellenbrook, I never take my dog to the dog park here as our vet says a few dogs have caught parvo there ( and they were vaccinated). I definitely wont be bringing him to K9 until all the vacs are done but I do have to take my other dog to his trial there which is a bit concerning as what if he brings parvo home but I cannot not walk him for 4 weeks he will go nuts. I would love to do the Nobivac one, my current dog had it but my new vet does not do it and I am not prepared to go back to him. I will try and find out where I can get it done though. My vet feels that there is too many dogs with Parvo around here to not do a 12 and a 16 week vac.

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Same in our area Mason. Our vet said it is just too risky not to have all the vac's as Parvo is also

really bad here as well. Retched thing that it is!!

We don't live near any safe places either. Makes it hard, doesn't it? so I just used to take pup out in the car mainly till she was old enough.

Edited by BC Crazy
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I generally put my pups in a backpack (on my chest) and just go for a walk around the block. This means they get to see cars, people and other animals without interacting with them, but can see they are part of 'normal' life. You don't need to go to a dog park to socialise, there is more than enough interesting sights for your pup to get used to on a normal suburban block :)

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This is what I did:

-enrol in a puppy school on private property for dog socialization

-have puppy playdates with other puppies

-walk Zora on on rarely used bush reserve/private property & a new housing development nearby

-once she was 13 weeks (after a vacc at 10 weeks) we were down at K9 meeting dogs/experiencing crowds ect.

-now it's been almost 2 weeks since her last vacc we have started going to cafe's, schools, busier places ect.

I have taken a bit of risk but I have been smart about it. My suburb has a low incidence of parvo and nearby areas have a higher incidence so she has only just started to venture out of the suburb.

However I started ahead, Zora came to me well socialised, friendly and confidant, as I am sure your Lab puppy will. ;)

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My parents have a new 10 week old pup and I take my 2 dogs to my parents place several times a week. Until pup is fully vaccinated, I've decided to avoid the local park with my two, but I'm still taking them to the K9 grounds for training. I'm considering taking pup down to K9 to socialise before her vaccs are done and carry her around.

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My parents have a new 10 week old pup and I take my 2 dogs to my parents place several times a week. Until pup is fully vaccinated, I've decided to avoid the local park with my two, but I'm still taking them to the K9 grounds for training. I'm considering taking pup down to K9 to socialise before her vaccs are done and carry her around.

It's against K9 rules to take dogs younger then 12 weeks on the grounds to make sure if anyone asks you let them know she is 12 weeks ;)

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My parents have a new 10 week old pup and I take my 2 dogs to my parents place several times a week. Until pup is fully vaccinated, I've decided to avoid the local park with my two, but I'm still taking them to the K9 grounds for training. I'm considering taking pup down to K9 to socialise before her vaccs are done and carry her around.

It's against K9 rules to take dogs younger then 12 weeks on the grounds to make sure if anyone asks you let them know she is 12 weeks ;)

Ahhh good point, forgot about that! In that case, it's no biggie, I just won't take her. Just thought I'd give her a head start but it's not a big deal, she's such a confident outgoing little thing already! And bossy eek1.gif

Edited by RubyStar
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Why socialise him at the dog park? That has to be the worst place to socialise a puppy. Get him to puppy classes for the dog socialisation, and to friends' places, supermarkets, shopping centres, pet stores etc for the people socialisation. It's far far more important to socialise with people than with dogs. I don't see any value in running around with unfamiliar dogs on a regular basis, you'd be much better off letting him make friends with a few of your friends' dogs and let him have regular play dates with dogs that he knows.

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Why socialise him at the dog park? That has to be the worst place to socialise a puppy. Get him to puppy classes for the dog socialisation, and to friends' places, supermarkets, shopping centres, pet stores etc for the people socialisation. It's far far more important to socialise with people than with dogs. I don't see any value in running around with unfamiliar dogs on a regular basis, you'd be much better off letting him make friends with a few of your friends' dogs and let him have regular play dates with dogs that he knows.

I dont let my dog run around with unfamiliar dogs but our dog club which has a puppy school is held on public grounds where dogs are walked which is why im asking these questions in the first place. IMO vet puppy schools are just as bad as that is where sick dogs go which is why im not keen on it.

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I would avoid dog park. Just take Mason for walks around the streets.

Go to schools, shops etc where not so many dogs go for socialisation :)

When Bondi was a pup our vet suggested going to the beach first thing in the morning before any other dogs got there, and the ocean had washed away any nasties- walking along the shoreline. That said it was not a "dog beach" just a quiet beach.

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My parents have a new 10 week old pup and I take my 2 dogs to my parents place several times a week. Until pup is fully vaccinated, I've decided to avoid the local park with my two, but I'm still taking them to the K9 grounds for training. I'm considering taking pup down to K9 to socialise before her vaccs are done and carry her around.

It's against K9 rules to take dogs younger then 12 weeks on the grounds to make sure if anyone asks you let them know she is 12 weeks ;)

Is that true? I didnt know that, I was going to take 9 week old JRT Nell there tonight and carry her?

hmm, maybe I better ask and check :)

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Ive checked their website it doesnt say anything on there. Does it not just mean that they cannot join classes until 12 weeks, which is when they would be on the ground and vaccinated? It doesnt say anything about carrying a puppy?

I'll ask when I'm down there tonight, Im sure Ive seen young pups being carried.

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