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Games/training Fun For "stay" Practice


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I have been playing around with sit/stays with Roy (18 wk old BC) - atm I get him to sit, stay, then I walk about 30-40 odd metres, drop his tug toy to the side, then walk about 10 steps from the toy. Give the release command so he can get his toy and we have a game of tug.

We have a little bit of distraction too - in the form of my kids, and we do this in our front yard where ppl are walking/riding past and cars ect going all the time.

Are there any other games or ideas to practice sit stays? I dont want him to get board but cant think of anythng else to do lol.

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I practice sit stays before he gets fed, let out of his crate or enclosure, also for going through gates & doors, as well as what you are doing with the distance, distractions & duration. Not sure what else to add, except maybe getting him to stay, while you walk/trot/run past him, sometimes releasing him to join you & sometimes going back to release & treat. This exercise is very good for reinforcing stays on contact equipment. I dont think he would get bored, just don't overdo it...quit while he is still wanting more :thumbsup:

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Don't forget to go back and reward in position. I reward in position more often than I release to a toy/equipment as I want the dog to know that staying still is what is rewarded. Too much releasing to a reward without rewarding in position could lead to a dog that starts to anticipate and break as that is how it gets the good things.

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Don't forget to go back and reward in position. I reward in position more often than I release to a toy/equipment as I want the dog to know that staying still is what is rewarded. Too much releasing to a reward without rewarding in position could lead to a dog that starts to anticipate and break as that is how it gets the good things.

Thankyou Piper!!!! Great advice - I think he is already anticipating the release!!! Will definitley be doing this :)

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We play a game of stay with a favourite toy or tug. I put Fergs in a stay and get the toy/tug, play with it, waggle it around him. I can see the anticipation build, he really wants to get it but he always holds. Then a release and a big game of tug/play with the toy.

My girl is really food driven so I put her in a stay then lay some treats on the ground. When she focuses back on me I release her and she wolves the food down.

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I second the sit/stay while you run past from any angle. We have been practicing this for our contacts and it has been the trickiest but we are getting there! :)

Also, dropping food and toys everywhere and recall to you. Start small, ie a bit of boring kibble. You want them to ignore the good stuff and come to you. Throwing toys past their line of site. Have you tried an out of site sit/stay?

Also if you thought he was not challenged enough anymore, you could move onto stand/stay or down/stay? :)

EDIT: and I agree with Piper, I reward the stay quite often. Especially in front of jumps lol!

Edited by krustie22
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