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Bonney Working Dog


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Has anyone using this product noticed any change, I have just purchased a new bag and the product is much smaller in size than my last lot, I am also noticing that my dog is not enjoying it as much. His poop has also changed.

Just wondering if anyone is having the same problem.

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haven't used it for a few years when it really changed, and not for the better :( We now use the LAUCKE product - Uncle Albers .

perse - that is really interesting. I tried the Uncle Albers product and my girl was really terrible on it. Apart from a couple of other symptoms, she also started gaining weight.

I haven't noticed a difference with Bonney - but my girl is on Adult Complete, not Working Dog

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;) we use UA because it helps our workers hold weight - esp in this cold weather :) they work very hard ..and often aren't keen on eating after a really big day. So if they nibble the UA they still do OK :)

When they changed bonnie some years back - our dogs got sloppy poo and just didn't hold the weight . I did have quite a bit of correspondence with teh company back then (it was when purina bought the company :( )

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My dogs are on the Adult Complete and they are doing fine on it - I gave them the Working Dog once when the petfood place had run out of the Adult Complete, and we had a few sloppier poops for a few days before they got used to the change, then they were fine - same thing when we went back to the Adult Complete once the other bag was finished.

I feed my foster pups the Bonnie Puppy and they do great on it too.


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Have only just put my dogs back on It In the last couple of days, I did notice It looked different to the last time I used It which was a few months back now. They seem fine with It so far, but then my dogs aren't fussy eaters and will eat anything even If It doesn't agree with them In some way or another. But unfortunately nothing In that price range that I've tried seems to agree with all of them, hence going back to feeding Bonnie.

It's never really been the same though from when they changed It a few years ago, which Is a shame

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