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Dog Training In Se Suburbs Melbourne


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Can anybody recommend a good dog training group in SE Suburbs of Melbourne?? I live in Belgrave Sth so close\ish to there would be great as she gets car sick :-( I'm thinking we need somewhere that specialises more in socialistion, but am open to advice.

We have a 10 month old Red Heeler\Border Collie bitch, desexed. She has done a intermediate training class when we first got her as a pup which she did really well at.

The issue we are having is she is SO timid. When we first got her she was petrified of cars, we've got her over that and she doesn't freak out whenever a car goes past anymore. Now it's just people.

With us she's just the happiest little camper, her whole body wags when she wags her tail. She loves her toys, plays ball etc. She adores our other 2 dogs and is good with the neighbours dog who comes to visit. But as soon as a stranger comes into the house the tail goes between the legs. She will eventually come up and have a sniff if left alone, and eventually allows a pat. She's also terrified of young children. When she's away from the house she's very uneasy too. Any strangers we pass when walking she will cower away from and hide behind our legs. We socialise her in a positive way as much as we can, give her treats and get people she's scared of to give her treats but feel she needs some external help. We take her to the local cafe for a cuppa and feed her treats while we're there (but only when she's relaxed and not being scaredy) to make being outside good fun too

If we walk her by herself she's a dream, but if we have our other dogs with us she's a pain in the butt pulling and surging to get to the other dogs as she just wants to walk with them. We've had the halti collar, check chain but she is fixated on being with them.

It's just my hubby & I, and our other 2 dogs at home.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

Edited by thebear
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I would definitely recommend Underdog training. :) They have helped me with a very timid dog in the past. :)

We also used a group in Ringwood (Eastern Companion Dog Training) for another dog when she was a pup 10 years ago, and they were great.

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