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Should We Wake Puppy Up?

Aztec Gold

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This may sound like a silly question, but we just got our pup home for the first time and he is sleeping and has been for the four hour drive home, well most of it, had a bit of dinner, and is sleeping again. Should we wake him? I have visions of him not wanting to sleep tonight if he sleeps so much now! What would you do?

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Puppies sleep, it's like their full-time job for the next few months. Hugo has never woken us up during the night because he's slept too much during the day, let's just put it that way :p Just put him in his crate, somewhere dark, and hopefully he'll sleep for a while! Enjoy it while you can :laugh:

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We found with Jazz (and her recent litter of once they reached 8 weeks and we were down to just a couple of pups) that if we let her sleep all evening she would end up wide awake and screaming when it was bed time, if however we got her up an hour before bed and played lots of games and kept her busy she would go to sleep quickly and quietly. Nights where we did not wake her for a play session she would then be unsettled at some stage during the night.

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You are lucky :thumbsup: . Enjoy it while it lasts :laugh:

My lab puppy did not sleep at all during the day, and hardly at night. No exaggeration but she sometimes barked and howled until 4am. Don't want to scare you though... :laugh:

It seemed very unfair because a friend had a goldie puppy at the same time and that puppy was so placid and seemed to sleep ALL the time.

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Let them sleep when they wish. Sleeping is critical to the development of their brain. So is sound socialisation and habituation experiences to the worldly things they will come across in their lifetime. I used socialisation and habituation experiences to work in with when I most needed my boy (when he was a pup) to sleep. Mental fatigue is far more tiring and induces longer sleep periods than physical.

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This may sound like a silly question, but we just got our pup home for the first time and he is sleeping and has been for the four hour drive home, well most of it, had a bit of dinner, and is sleeping again. Should we wake him? I have visions of him not wanting to sleep tonight if he sleeps so much now! What would you do?

My SBT pup did the same thing the day we brought him home. And the next couple days after that. Age and all the new stuff that they are taking in just buggers them out :D

As with the other that have suggested it, about an hour before you're ready for bed toilet him, light play, maybe offer a little to eat (my boy only ate a little for the first week but them I changed his tea time to about 7pm and he ate nothing after and started keeping his room dry all night from just 9weeks old :thumbsup: ...I might just be lucky in that but ;) ) After a week or 2 my boy now automatically wakes himself up, takes himself out to toilet and put himself to bed roughly around 10:30 most nights :thumbsup:

Best tip I was given with new pup for the first nights alone is give him one of you shirts with YOUR sent on it. Works a treat :)

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I always let puppies sleep when they want to & yes they do usually sleep a lot.

I can't imagine anything worse that just wanting to go to sleep & being constantly disturbed.

Your puppy will sleep in the night but may cry for a few nights initially, or not, regardless of sleeping in the day.

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Our first night was lovely :) he woke up once to go outside for a wet, and slept beautifully, didn't cry or anything! He's a bit frightful of all the new noises and the cat, but otherwise he is just delightful! A million praises to his breeder, he is just amazing and everything with his purchase went so smoothly and every question gets answered with a friendly reply :)

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Our first night was lovely :) he woke up once to go outside for a wet, and slept beautifully, didn't cry or anything! He's a bit frightful of all the new noises and the cat, but otherwise he is just delightful! A million praises to his breeder, he is just amazing and everything with his purchase went so smoothly and every question gets answered with a friendly reply :)

Aww thats so nice to hear :)

WHat a good boy- Goldies are adorable pups!

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