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Rusky your either mistaken or a liar. Look at any or every old post of mine and you will see I have never said any such thing. Miss labeling anything you import is a federal offense.

I also don't agree with anyone buying any tool and not being trained to use it. Why would I? I am a trainer.

Cult ? ?? Get a grip

Bow to thy master.....lmao

BTW...can't wait for the Metro seminar, I'm even cutting my holiday short to make sure I'm there!

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How many people who are opposedto them have actually used one on their dog or on themselves?

I would personally never use a halti or head collar on my dog as I believe they are much more aversive than prong collars (assuming both are used correctly) but I wouldn't want to restrict the use for everyone as some people clearly feel more comfortable using them. Any tool that helps an owner feel more in control and the dog get out and about can't be all bad IMO.

or own a dog that would benefit from one?

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Wait - I work for a cult leader? Crap, should have suspected something was dodgy with all the secret ceremonies in K9's hidden cellar with the shrine for prong collars and other medieval torture devices and camo print.

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Wait - I work for a cult leader? Crap, should have suspected something was dodgy with all the secret ceremonies in K9's hidden cellar with the shrine for prong collars and other medieval torture devices and camo print.

I gotta ask...what is with the camo?

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Cult ? ?? Get a grip

Wow, I don't think there is a Cult. I think people respect K9 Pro because of his knowledge, skills, and the fact that he is very accessible to people- I know having recently opened myself to a more balanced training approach that the team at K9 Pro have been fantastic- very supportive, have shared their knowledge and helped point me in the right direction. Having ordered something from K9 Pro I can also say that their service is second to none in the speed of which the goods were delivered, and the communication I received letting me know the status of my order. So, if that make me part of a cult following then sign me up :worship:

*Goes off to check her wish list on the K9 Pro web store*

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Hi everyone,

I thought I'd pop this in General rather than just in the training forum so more people could see it.

For those of you who haven't seen it, there was an article run in the Sunday Mail newspaper here in QLD a few days ago:


What I love about the article is a trainer from QLD (Melissa Bruce) telling the RAAF how to train their dogs.

So she trains pets on the sunshine coast, big deal.

And owns an Alaskan.

I guess that makes her qualified and an expert with aggression.

whoah how bittthcy am I?

:D :eek:


how come I haven't been invited to or know about the cult -

WTF is that huski?



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A few years ago on this forum K9 force was explaining to people how to import prong collars in bits and fit them together. I was horrified for a multitude of reasons.

I feel like I remember a thread like that. Was it this one: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/139457-are-prong-colars-illegal-to-sell-in-nsw/page__p__2787547__hl__%2Bimport+%2Bprong+%2Bcollars__fromsearch__1#entry2787547

No two ways to interpret that...

There are always going to be conflicts in interest between welfare and control/safety, I think. Take horse bits, for example.

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A few years ago on this forum K9 force was explaining to people how to import prong collars in bits and fit them together. I was horrified for a multitude of reasons.

I feel like I remember a thread like that. Was it this one: http://www.dolforums.com.au/topic/139457-are-prong-colars-illegal-to-sell-in-nsw/page__p__2787547__hl__%2Bimport+%2Bprong+%2Bcollars__fromsearch__1#entry2787547

No two ways to interpret that...

There are always going to be conflicts in interest between welfare and control/safety, I think. Take horse bits, for example.



According to a bloke I spoke to in customs if they're dismantled and shipped in pieces they'll go through fine as you're allowed to import parts for them.

K9: It is a Federal offence if you import restricted goods without a permit, even in parts.

is Obviously the same as telling someone how to import a prong collar in parts, and put it togethor, and use it :laugh: :laugh:

Thanks for the link Corvus.

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Thanks GG and Corvus. So back in June 08 I pretty much said word for word what I say now.

Rusky I run training courses for Government including Customs, like I said importing restricted items by false declaration is a Federal Offence.

I be waiting for your aplogy Rusky

If someone had a prong collar YES I would be happy to teach them how to use it. Now tell me how education is wrong.

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I wouldn't have an issue with restricted use. But to be honest i am a bit sick of hearing the same tired arguments on both sides (and yes i know i don't have to read them). There is hysteria and ridiculous arguments on both sides of the equasion and it annoys me that so many (not referring to anyone specifically here) don't have an understanding of the other side.

To be honest i can't imagine that the VIC law will EVER be repealed. And not all trainers who use physical aversives use or like prong collars so i don't think it should be about positive training vs training with aversives.

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Thanks GG and Corvus. So back in June 08 I pretty much said word for word what I say now.

Rusky I run training courses for Government including Customs, like I said importing restricted items by false declaration is a Federal Offence.

I be waiting for your aplogy Rusky

If someone had a prong collar YES I would be happy to teach them how to use it. Now tell me how education is wrong.

Good to hear you're not going senile Steve

I did fall weak to my own curiosity and did a search too, and I found a thread in which Rusky took offence to Steve quoting some things they said with factual answers (albeit a bit of jest and humour was also involved)...perhaps this is why Rusky has posted what they did?

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GG: I did fall weak to my own curiosity and did a search too, and I found a thread in which Rusky took offence to Steve quoting some things they said with factual answers (albeit a bit of jest and humour was also involved)...perhaps this is why Rusky has posted what they did?

K9: Probably, look if I debate something on a forum with someone there is definitely nothing personal, I don't play favorites, if I don't agree with what is written, I will say so, no matter who writes it.

I don't remember ever debating anything with Rusky (shows it never was personal, for me at least).

I am interested in facts and helping people with their dogs, not politics. Too much politics keeps me away from DOL.

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I gotta ask...what is with the camo?

Don't get me started on the camo :rolleyes: :laugh: :laugh:

I wouldn't have an issue with restricted use. But to be honest i am a bit sick of hearing the same tired arguments on both sides (and yes i know i don't have to read them). There is hysteria and ridiculous arguments on both sides of the equasion and it annoys me that so many (not referring to anyone specifically here) don't have an understanding of the other side.

To be honest i can't imagine that the VIC law will EVER be repealed. And not all trainers who use physical aversives use or like prong collars so i don't think it should be about positive training vs training with aversives.

Neither this thread nor the FB page were started with the intention of repealing the laws in VIC (though I think they should be). I don't want to see the same law bought into QLD or anywhere else in Australia for that matter, which I am sure you can appreciate. What should we do? Sit around and do nothing?

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Huski can you pl;ease forward several "cult points" to the cult members who have helped me in this thread please, throw a few in for yourself too lol

I'll get the camo robes cleaned and ready for the prong collar worshipping ceremony :thumbsup:

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Huski can you pl;ease forward several "cult points" to the cult members who have helped me in this thread please, throw a few in for yourself too lol

I'll get the camo robes cleaned and ready for the prong collar worshipping ceremony :thumbsup:

May I suggest a change in slogan too-- something that will recognise the Cult that is K9 Pro

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