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Degloving Of Pads In Dogs


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a question for the collective knowledge of DOL .....

duke has yet again had a fast visit to the vet with 'degloving' of his right back foot pads. (ie, the pad skin seem to be peeling off his foot). I actually have a timeline for this episode (this is not the first time this has happened, by the way. It seems to be happening every 9 months or so). So, he was fine at one point, and half an hour later, he had a raw red spot the size of a thumbnail on the side of his foot. Morning - not much change, but by evening, it was across half his foot.

there does not seem to be a initiating trauma or insect bite that anyone can find.

What could be causing this? Is there anything I could be doing to avoid this happening in the future?

He is currently on pain killers and antibiotics. Although there is no doubt that his foot is still extremely painful.



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