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What Breed Was This?


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I saw this cute dog at the dog show today, but I can't for the life of me think of what breed it is, and I'm none the wiser after browsing the breed pages.

It was small but sturdy, a terrier, lightish colour....I think all one colour, a light tan or sand, or maybe leaning towards greyish.....straight hair. Head was big and round and hairy and I think he had small prick ears. He was in proportion....not a long bodied dog, nor long legged. He had the appearance of being a very rugged little dog, up for any task.

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Aaaah, yes it was a Cairn terrier, thanks! Now there's a dog with a presence.....much better looking in the flesh than in pics. I kept thinking Norwich or Norfolk but when I looked at the photos they look nothing like the dog I saw. Such a cutie, what's the temperament like?

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Aaaah, yes it was a Cairn terrier, thanks! Now there's a dog with a presence.....much better looking in the flesh than in pics. I kept thinking Norwich or Norfolk but when I looked at the photos they look nothing like the dog I saw. Such a cutie, what's the temperament like?

Very terrier like ask SwaY ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)

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