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Poor Buddy Enlarged Liver Plus More


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Hi Buddy my 12 year old will be 13 next month went to the vet again today as he has lost alot of hair we got a 15 litre bin worth of hair from him eg enough for 2 more golden retrievers, If we kept brushing him we would have gotten more I'm sure. His been very clingly wanting to be with us alot more then normal, won't sleep in his favourite place,walks out the yard stops looks around like his lost then wanders back in. His also lost weight since he went to the vet on tuesday he weighed 37.7kgs today he weighed 37.3kgs. The vet also said his kidneys are small for his size. The vet did blood work up,urine sample,ultasound and x-rays. Turns out he has a lump in the abdomen. The vet wants to wait till the blood work comes back, Then she said we might do exploratory surgery and remove some of the lump and send it in for testing.I have a feeling its something bad.

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