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Very Anxious


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I am very anxious about the dogs after what happened with Brock. I was a fairly anxious owner before as it was. Does this anxiety fade?

Yesterday in the paddock Poppy licked a lump of meat and I pretty much had hysterics all night. I don't think I can take them out in the paddocks anymore as I get really stressed out. Get stressed if they are off lead anywhere and they go out of sight into bushes etc.

I am constantly checking on them too.

I know I have to give them quality of life and can't keep them wrapped in cotton wool.

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get some njce plastic basket muzzles !! Honestly - years ago, after Hamlet's surgery for obstruction .. he wore his muzzle whenever we went out .. for probably 12 months or more - and it was such a relief , knowing he wasn't going to pick up anything :)

Make sure tho, if you do .. that you fit them properly .. so they can pant - open mouth WIDE, and drink comfortably :)

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get some njce plastic basket muzzles !! Honestly - years ago, after Hamlet's surgery for obstruction .. he wore his muzzle whenever we went out .. for probably 12 months or more - and it was such a relief , knowing he wasn't going to pick up anything :)

Make sure tho, if you do .. that you fit them properly .. so they can pant - open mouth WIDE, and drink comfortably :)

That sounds like EXCELLENT advice! Be proactive, rather than reactive & it will ease your (understandable) anxiety considerably.

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Yes and no. When i nearly lost Chase as a pup I was soo paranoid. We weren't sure if it was a bee or choking that caused everything so he was barely allowed outside and I wouldn't give him anything he might choke on. I worried and panicked at everything and still do. I have relaxed a little about him being outside, however he is never left outside if I'm not home and when snakes are on the move again he'll be inside even more than he is already is. I freak out when he eats incase he chokes, I Panic if he is panting too much, drinking too much or isn't at the back door within seconds of calling his name and I'm super paranoid about toads bees ticks and snakes. I've spoiled him and wrapped in cotton wool which I know isn't the best for him but I am so scared I will lose him in fact I've almost convinced myself I will, especially after losing losing two dogs at 16 mths and 18mths in recent years. Chase was very nearly the third and I just couldn't bare it if it happened. Unfortunately as a result of it all I'm now super paranoid and super protective of him and I don't trust anyone to take care of him but myself. I'm sorry for your loss :(

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I am very anxious about the dogs after what happened with Brock. I was a fairly anxious owner before as it was. Does this anxiety fade?

Yesterday in the paddock Poppy licked a lump of meat and I pretty much had hysterics all night. I don't think I can take them out in the paddocks anymore as I get really stressed out. Get stressed if they are off lead anywhere and they go out of sight into bushes etc.

I am constantly checking on them too.

I know I have to give them quality of life and can't keep them wrapped in cotton wool.

Hi Jules,

I would be wanting to know where the lump of meat came from :confused: If that happened to me with my dogs, I don't think I would ever get over being paranoid. :(

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hugs to you Jules P

I think the muzzle idea is a great idea, the dogs can run around and yet not pick up anything.

I also think that the anxiety will decrease as time goes by, completely understandable at the moment though so please don't feel anxious that you are feeling anxious. Just a wonderful person who loves their pets dearly.

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Thanks for the muzzle idea Pers.

The meat was under a bush so probably put there by a fox. I've found some pretty disgusting things in the past out in the paddocks.

I really need to move. One of the houses I like is vacant and I am very close to asking if I can rent it whilst I sell here.

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I lost three of my dogs because a fox (or eagle) dropped baited meat in our paddock.

I'm sorry Rozzie :( I found a post of yours from years ago last night saying that and totally freaked out.

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Thanks Jules. It was devastating. You can't control 1080 baiting when the NPs or the mining copanies want to bait. I don't think they realise that more than the pests they are concerned with can be affected.

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Baits are a worry :( Luckily - around here on gov't land they are being done correctly - ie: chicken wingtips .. BURIED and marked - and collected if not taken by a fox. There is no way a fox will carry off a wingtip .. and, being buried and small... it's very unlikely raptors would pick them up, thankfully. Other properties however .. it's just drive around in the ute and throw the baits out the window :(

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I'm not in a stock area so not sure if the land owners here would bait. No sheep farmers around. The free range chicken place near here has Mareemas so they must be into more natural methods. I had a live chicken dropped on my lawn a couple of weeks ago.

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Muzzle is a great thing :)

Can you train your dogs Food Refusal?

We had in the past a few dogs that died of rat poisoning and my dad trained all our dogs food refusal. They are only only to eat what the family gives them.

Took me a while to trust people feeding my dogs too after those experiences.

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