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Hi all,

This is Kenny, he is a desexed, 11 years old and currently lives with 3 adult cats (who don't particularly like him or have anything to do with him) another dog and other animals. He is good at disciplining the other dog (bites her ear etc when she's too full on) and I've seen him do the same to a chook (it lost a few feathers) but he backed of as soon as I yelled.

We have just gotten a stray kitten who we are hand raising, its 4 wks, so tiny. I'm not quite sure what he will do in regards to it, he stares, intently and licks his nose, no tail wags, he pushes in when I'm holding it to smell it then just stays staring not moving except for an occaional lick of his own nose, he sits outside its cage for hrs and stares, moving his head to follow it around and ears up (doesn't move body/position just head). He has not snapped, occasionally he'll sniff its backside if given the chance.

I have taken a couple of photo's so people can see what I mean but don't know how to shrink them to fit here. I'd love him to be friends with it, its so tiny its taken to our other cats and accepts the dogs, it just loves everything (and wants to suckle) I was thinking I might muzzle him and let him have a bit more access.

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Sounds like predatory behaviour to me. I would be VERY careful. Hopefully in a few weeks when the kitten is bigger, he will realise it is a cat and a member of your family, but in the meantime, please be careful and do very very slow introductions. I would not be allowing him to sit there staring at it all the time either.

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I think I would be inclined to let the kitten grow up a bit.

Hi all,

This is Kenny, he is a desexed, 11 years old and currently lives with 3 adult cats (who don't particularly like him or have anything to do with him) another dog and other animals. He is good at disciplining the other dog (bites her ear etc when she's too full on) and I've seen him do the same to a chook (it lost a few feathers) but he backed of as soon as I yelled.

We have just gotten a stray kitten who we are hand raising, its 4 wks, so tiny. I'm not quite sure what he will do in regards to it, he stares, intently and licks his nose, no tail wags, he pushes in when I'm holding it to smell it then just stays staring not moving except for an occaional lick of his own nose, he sits outside its cage for hrs and stares, moving his head to follow it around and ears up (doesn't move body/position just head). He has not snapped, occasionally he'll sniff its backside if given the chance.

I have taken a couple of photo's so people can see what I mean but don't know how to shrink them to fit here. I'd love him to be friends with it, its so tiny its taken to our other cats and accepts the dogs, it just loves everything (and wants to suckle) I was thinking I might muzzle him and let him have a bit more access.

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Mmm I was thinking that a little, he has a tendency to stalk the older cats and occassionally snap at they're backsides, never connected just annoying as. The other dog is young and does the play bounces and barks, the cats just hiss and smack them both and the dogs go away. I'd like this kitten to be friends with the dogs but may give up on Kenny and just seperate him until its bigger. It'll get to the bouncing stage soon and I don't want them 'playing' with it and breaking it. I also don't want Sierra to copy Kennys behaviour.

Might start introducing some adversions, its just he's old and I think he's great with the kids.

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I breed cats as well as dogs. I don't let the dogs near kittens for 5 or 6 weeks & mine like cats. Then it is only holding the kitten on my lap, or the dog.

Also don't go out & leave any cats & dogs together for the first 6 months. Play can change to prey/pack instinct when not expected & so quickly. Slowly & always supervised.

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