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Buddy Is Off To The Vet Tommorrow


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Buddy my mum's and I 12 year old golden retriever is going to the vet tommorrow morning, His lost his voice and is also chasing his tail and biting chunks of hair off his tail. I also think Buddy has got another ear infection, I don't know what could be causing his voice to go away or his chewing his tail. He has been coughing don't think its kennel cough as Rascal and Shelley are fine. He has also been throwing up clear/foamy liquid once in a while. It also seems he has gained weight again even tho he is feed less then what he normally use to get, Buddy use to get 2 cups of food a day when he was feed bonnie but now since been on black hawk for 8 weeks give or take. Now he gets only 1 1/2 cups of food a day. Nothing the vets around here they will probably say his got kennel cough and just send him home with antibiotics.

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.He could well have kennel Cough , and you're wise to get him checked. It can be very serious in old dogs.

The tail chewing/hair pulling may be because there is pain there, and he is trying to relieve it .. or fleas, or perhaps he is going a bit senile.... or .... make sure you give the vet lots of information on when/how often ... etc.

Th ears .. poor boy if he has an infection ..hopefully the vet will be able to fix it :)

he may well be putting on weight on the new food ! have a look on the packet- read labels- and compare the fat content etc with what you were feeding! I think BH is a much more concentrated/better digested food ..

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