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Help With Breeds


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Hey Guys,

I'm sorry for another what breed thread but Id love some opinions/Ideas..

I'm wanting to get some ideas on some smaller breeds as I really don't know alot about them having always been a bigger dog person. I currently have a 1 year old desexed golden boy who has done his puppy classes and basic obedience (we are about to get back into this shortly). I also have a 3 year old girl who is very good with dogs and doesn't have any issues with our current boy. Shes been very good with helping with his training and tells him off if his getting to boisterous with her.

We both work full time hours however I'm in retail so work over a 7 day roster and my husband starts very early and is home very early. So i'm often home on a weekday and our current boy is left at most for 6 hours some days at home. We don't have a massive house or backyard so do not want to get another large dog and are looking at smaller breeds.

We are wanting a dog that doesn't require regular trips to a groomer for haircuts, I dont mind a bit of brushing like I have with our golden. Our neighbor has 2 pet store mixes that bark ALOT and we want a dog that will bark if theres something to bark at but that doesn't feel the need to bark at nothing. Id prefer a dog that has a more mellow then our current boy and doesn't require as much exercise in case I end up having to always exercise them separately.

A breed that I've looked at briefly is the Dachshund, but I read they are hard to train and not good with kids? I don't like to look of a King Charles Spaniel. I had a Jack Russell as a kid and it was completely mental, not sure if she was just a "special" dog.

I'm looking at getting an adult not a puppy and although I'm not wanting to do this for about a year as I want my current boy to be older and I want the right fit.

Thanks in advance guys, sorry for the essay.

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I was looking at getting a Tibbie before I got another Golden. I met lots of them at dog shows and loved everyone I saw. They are lovely little dogs. I have a 7, 5 and nearly 3 year old and the tibbies were great with them. In the end I couldn't go past having another golden.

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what are you hoping from the 2 dogs??

Are you wanting a playmate for the Golden??

Or just a small companion dog ??

Dachshunds aren't hard to train & can be fine with kids BUT there length off back is something you need to consider when playing with another dog especially if big & rough.

My Std smooth played fine with our Greyhounds BUT they all new the rules of play & could be left alone & trusted

Any small dog you consider as an older dog you must keep in mind many may not have been around large dogs & this can be very overwhelming & not work out especially when you add a young child .

of the Dachies i would suggest a Std Long as they have a gundog personality

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How do you feel about squished faces?

My Frenchie is a wonderful little guy, doesn't drop too much coat, is happy to play with the kids or chill out with me. I'm yet to hear him bark (besides in play with my pug).

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If you're not a Cavalier fan I doubt you'd be a Tibetan Spaniel fan?

As already asked - do you want a second dog or do you want a companion for your current dog?

Do the yappy dogs next door get any training or walking? Most of the time it's environment that makes for yapping not genetics!

As you're looking for an adult and have a small child in the house I would go with a reputable rescue and find a dog that suits your circumstances (including the look you want).

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