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Jabby Jasper My Little Foxy Passed Last Night.


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Hi All

Our little buddy passed last night.

We went to the RSPCA when Master 18 wa just under 2. We had a look round and found no suitable pups or dogs. Went back in the waiting room and here is this man that stood over 6 foot 3 and built like a brick dunny house.

He's standing there with this little foxy, and this man had tears in his eyes and I asked if he was OK. He replied with, "they can't guarrantee me he'll find a home."

We had the kids play with Jasper and the man had all the paperwork of his vaccinations, and even copies of his vet visits.

As you've guessed Jasper came home with us.

From that day Jasper and Master 18 have been the best of buds.

The amount of laughs and love this one little guy has bought into our home, I could never repay him.

Your going to be missed terribly Jabby Jasper, you're a one in a life time dog.

Love you 44, and forever and a day. xxxx

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