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Shampoo For Sensitive Skin

Guest lavendergirl

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Guest lavendergirl

Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for sensitive skin? The vet has advised me to use Malaseb on my Bichon but it is meant to stay on the dog for 10 minutes which is a little difficult to manage.

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Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for sensitive skin? The vet has advised me to use Malaseb on my Bichon but it is meant to stay on the dog for 10 minutes which is a little difficult to manage.

Malaseb is a medicated shampoo for treating some skin conditions, if you do not leave it for the required time it is not as effective, what are you treating?

If you are just looking for a general shampoo then there are many to choose from but it may be trial and error to find one that suits your dog. Aloveen, Fidos Everday, Groomers EPO, all good shampoos, but you need to try them on your dog.

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I use malaseb and do leave it on... problem is it is also best done in cold water! I soap her up, then take her for a short walk, just up the street so she doesnt roll, then once I wash it off I cross tie her on the back of the ute in the sun as its nice and warm! I was also told not to towel dry her so I make sure I do it in the morning and on sunny days as she has such a thick coat adn takes half a day to dry off! Sometimes condition with aloveen, as it is meant to be good for sensitive skin, but I just love the smell :)

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Guest lavendergirl

Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for sensitive skin? The vet has advised me to use Malaseb on my Bichon but it is meant to stay on the dog for 10 minutes which is a little difficult to manage.

Malaseb is a medicated shampoo for treating some skin conditions, if you do not leave it for the required time it is not as effective, what are you treating?

If you are just looking for a general shampoo then there are many to choose from but it may be trial and error to find one that suits your dog. Aloveen, Fidos Everday, Groomers EPO, all good shampoos, but you need to try them on your dog.

Crisovar the vet was a bit vague about it - just said that his skin was red in some areas particularly around the mouth. He also recommended a leave in medicated conditioner. I will try some of the others you and Mason mentioned. Thanks

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Guest lavendergirl

I use malaseb and do leave it on... problem is it is also best done in cold water! I soap her up, then take her for a short walk, just up the street so she doesnt roll, then once I wash it off I cross tie her on the back of the ute in the sun as its nice and warm! I was also told not to towel dry her so I make sure I do it in the morning and on sunny days as she has such a thick coat adn takes half a day to dry off! Sometimes condition with aloveen, as it is meant to be good for sensitive skin, but I just love the smell :)

Thanks Puddles - must try the aloveen as the medicated shampoo and conditioner don't seem to have any smell! I am also new to the grooming game and trying to work out what the best brush is to use on his curly coat after bathing. I have a slicker brush but wonder if that is best to use on a wet coat??

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Can anyone recommend a good shampoo for sensitive skin? The vet has advised me to use Malaseb on my Bichon but it is meant to stay on the dog for 10 minutes which is a little difficult to manage.

Malaseb is a medicated shampoo for treating some skin conditions, if you do not leave it for the required time it is not as effective, what are you treating?

If you are just looking for a general shampoo then there are many to choose from but it may be trial and error to find one that suits your dog. Aloveen, Fidos Everday, Groomers EPO, all good shampoos, but you need to try them on your dog.

Crisovar the vet was a bit vague about it - just said that his skin was red in some areas particularly around the mouth. He also recommended a leave in medicated conditioner. I will try some of the others you and Mason mentioned. Thanks

I use plush puppy for sensitive skin - but my girl has a general sensitivity and not what you are describing.

Can I suggest you look closely at your dog's water bowl? If it is ceramic, make sure the glaze isn't coming off or causing irritation. I've know someone whose dogs were affected and took awhile to track down, but it was the water bowl. Also check if your dog is chewing on weeds or something that would irritate.

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I use Triocil it's for bacterial and fungal infections plus it's an antiseptic, stops the itching.

I have bad eczema on my hands, since I started washing the dogs in the stuff it's cleared them up too :thumbsup:

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Why can't you leave the shampoo on for 10 minutes? Get yourself a bath helper (it has a suction cup to stick to the bath or wall and a short collar attached to it so the dog can't jump out of the bath) and then just take a clock and magazine/book into the bathroom while you wait the 10 minutes.

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Guest lavendergirl

Humman QV Shampoo and bath oil, Derms reccomend it too.

MEH do you mean the dog derms recommend it? I am using the Pyohex leave in conditioner as well. I am just looking for possible alternatives as when I last bathed him he was shaking pretty badly for a while afterwards - don't know if it was a reaction to the shampoo/conditioner.

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Humman QV Shampoo and bath oil, Derms reccomend it too.

MEH do you mean the dog derms recommend it? I am using the Pyohex leave in conditioner as well. I am just looking for possible alternatives as when I last bathed him he was shaking pretty badly for a while afterwards - don't know if it was a reaction to the shampoo/conditioner.

Yes, Derms are reccomending it, can't obviously say the all are but alot of people are getting the QV Shampoo reccomendation from their derms. Then follow that bath with sponging QV Bath Oil onthe the effected areas.

There is an Australian Vet who works alot with Skin Allergies and he also talks about its use, I believe his website is: http://scratchingdoghelp.com

He has a program which he sells an e-book on about keeping the skin hydrated.

Edited by MEH
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If your vet has given you a Malaseb and Pyohex, then I'd say it's to treat a skin infection. A regular shampoo won't fix this and while the infection remains, he'll continue to have bad skin and be itchy and uncomfortable.

Get the infection under control and then look at finding a shampoo/wash that will help to keep the skin calm.

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Guest lavendergirl

Humman QV Shampoo and bath oil, Derms reccomend it too.

MEH do you mean the dog derms recommend it? I am using the Pyohex leave in conditioner as well. I am just looking for possible alternatives as when I last bathed him he was shaking pretty badly for a while afterwards - don't know if it was a reaction to the shampoo/conditioner.

Yes, Derms are reccomending it, can't obviously say the all are but alot of people are getting the QV Shampoo reccomendation from their derms. Then follow that bath with sponging QV Bath Oil onthe the effected areas.

There is an Australian Vet who works alot with Skin Allergies and he also talks about its use, I believe his website is: http://scratchingdoghelp.com

He has a program which he sells an e-book on about keeping the skin hydrated.

Thanks MEH that is very interesting.

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Guest lavendergirl

If your vet has given you a Malaseb and Pyohex, then I'd say it's to treat a skin infection. A regular shampoo won't fix this and while the infection remains, he'll continue to have bad skin and be itchy and uncomfortable.

Get the infection under control and then look at finding a shampoo/wash that will help to keep the skin calm.

Stormie I have confirmed with the vet that it is a mild allergic dermatitis. He has given him a small dose of cortisone and wants me to continue with the Malaseb and Pyohex for the time being so I will see how we go. Once it settles though I will try some of the products suggested here I think.

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