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Away From Home Treats


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Peanut Butter in his 'sticky stuff' kong - crunchy or smooth? I've been told crunchy could choke him.

Kibble in his 'dry' kong - which kibble works best? I want something that comes in reasonably large bits to keep him occupied. I want to be able to buy in bulk and seperate carryable amounts so it doesn't cost incredibly.

I'm going to cook pasta and mix it with kibble, enough that fits in 1.2kg tins per day. He will have a 'permanent' water bowl in the room, but we'll spend considerable amounts of time next to the river (well, I'll be beside the river, Horse'll be swimming!)

Edited by Horse2008
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Ditch the pasta - he doesn't need it. he needs a good kibble .. a chicken wing ,maybe .. a or some NATURE's GIFT canned food if you can't/won't transport meat. It is one of the 'better ones,and OK for short term .

Make a thick chicken broth - NO BONE lots of meat ...almost a stew. let cool. Add kibble bits, and a couple of slices of apple .. seal hole in kong with peanut butter - add broth mix and freeze.

It's probably not a good idea to have him eat before/while exercising/swimming - I would worry about things like bloat.

I use crunchy peanut butter in kongs - I just line the kong with it .. certainly don't use more than a few teaspoons every so often.

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I'm confused about the difference between a "sticky stuff" kong and a "dry" kong. I use a combination of both when I give a kong. Peanut butter or cream cheese smeared inside so the kibble (or other dry things) stick to the sides. And I'll put inside a mixture of kibble, "treats", chicken, tinned food, cheese, etc. Sometimes I will make up one that is mainly dry food with just a couple of little bits of peanut butter or cream cheese.

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One's for dry stuff, for when he's tired of physical stuff, but his mind needs something eg. sleepless nights or when we're travelling and he can't get up and play. The wet stuff one's newer, I bought it for summer when I froze stuff in it. The rubber itself is squashier, he throws and fetches that one all by himself, it continues to smell yummy and fun if it's not stuffed with kibble.

I'm thinking of taking a couple of chicken necks...would Optimum kibble be Ok? I'm thinking large breed puppy kibble for in the kong, adult for his meals.

My dad created the rule - no swimming for an hour after eating. I know it's crap for humans, but it makes sense for Horse, I don't think I'll feel like watching him swim after a decent meal!

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I just have two types of stuffing for kongs. Filled with mince & frozen, or if I'm away from home then its Black Hawk Kibble mixed with enough peanut butter to make it stick. Crunchy peanut butter is fine, there is no way a dog could choke on peanut butter. :confused:

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What Sheena said, I use their regular kibble ( black hawk) and mix in PB or CC and usually add left overs if there is any, veg, roast, sausage, just depends what's on hand at the time. I'll occasionally split a slice of cheese 4 ways for something different.

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