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Kennel Cough


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I have just got back from taking the dogs to the park this afternoon. While we were there they were playing with two gorgeous dogs who they got on with really well. Next minute I heard one of the other dogs cough. Didn't think much of it until the other lady says 'oh yes they both have a cough since I picked them up from the kennels.'

Argh!!!! What the hell are they doing at the park then!!!! This lady had little to no idea so I explained to her that it could be kennel cough and best she get them both to the vet whilst removing both my dogs from play immediately.

So....what are the chances that both my two will get it after 3 -4 minutes of playing with these other dogs?

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What bad luck, I was only just relaying a similar story to another DOLer this morning. All 4 of mine were at the dog park and just and we spotted a dog they usually play with, as soon as they greeted him he started coughing, I asked the owner how long he had had the cough for and he said a couple of days, elderly owner and had no idea about KC, anyway I popped mine in the car to go home and by the next day two of them were coughing, not bad enough to go to the vets, however I rang the vet to see if they needed any meds and he said unless it turns into a secondary infection keep them quiet and it should clear up by itself which it did. The other two dogs didn't catch it.

Fingers crossed yours don't get it but it is definatley a possibility!

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The best advice would have been to take the dogs home and keep them there until 10 days after the last cough ( although some vets will say 2-3 weeks after ) The owner taking them to the vet, only serves to spread the KC around and unless they are unwell and distressed it's not necessary.

ETA Manuka Honey 15+ and some cough medicine is all you need to treat KC.

Edited by ReadySetGo
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Oh bugger - I guess we'll just wait and see if they get it then.

Ready Set Go - my post was the shortened version of the story... I did tell her to take her dogs home and not take them out in public until the coughing was gone. I recommended a visit to the vet because she had absolutely no idea of anything about KC so I figured she could do with speaking with the vet about it.

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Just give your dogs some Manuka Honey, Vit C each day and keep them warm & dry. I also make a warm chicken broth with vegies for ours if there are dogs at a show with KC they come in contact with. Just help their immune system fight it off.

If you would like to I know a Natropath who has 'Kennel Cough Drops' - I give them to our dogs over winter and they don't get affected by contact with dogs at shows. (I take it myself too and it gets rid of colds in a couple of days).

And yes if they start coughing just good old cough syrup.

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