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Farewell, Our Sweet Mushi Girl.


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:angel: Today we had to give our gorgeous old girl her wings, her back legs just couldn't cope anymore.

Mushi was brought in for boarding earlier this year, as her elderly owner was unfortunately taken into full time care and her owner's only relative (her niece) was allergic to dogs. It was to be a long-term situation, until another home was found for her. However, it's hard to find a home for an larger oldie with wobbly legs and the odd incontinence issue and so the decision was made to bring Mushi down into the house to live out the rest of her life as part of our little pack.

She settled in like she'd always been here, and the other dogs adored her, especially Buzz Whippet - the two of them had a very special relationship and Mushi would lick his face with a gorgeous Akita flat-eared, squinty smile on her face :) She brought us so much pleasure, and was truly one of the sweetest natured dogs that has ever lived. She spent most of her days asleep on her bed in the family room, but at night when Mr P-F & I were sitting down she'd shuffle over as fast as her legs would carry her and spend the rest of the evening as close to us as she could get :heart: I'll miss our evening cuddles the most, I think.

How does a house with 5 other dogs in it feel so empty? She was part of our family for only a few months but gave us enough love for a lifetime. We love you sweetheart, you will be missed forever xoxox

:cry: I am heartbroken.



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R.I.P. Mushi :rainbowbridge: Run free girl.

I am sorry for your loss Poo-fong. I feel your pain and know exactly what you mean. :cry:

We have 8 other dogs here but it's still not the same without my old girl (lost her on Wednesday) the house, the yard and my heart feel so empty. :(

Hugs to you at this sad time. :hug:

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Claire you know how sincerely I offer my condolensces to you and your family and even though she has left a huge hole in your heart you filled hers with the love of a family in her last few months and that is truly a very special gift.

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You were given a very special time because of your wonderful big, generous heart.

Not too many kennels would do what you did, and look what you received, nothing but love in return. And much deserved at that.

Be thinking of you today.

Take care


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What a sweet old girl, I know she would have appreciated all you did for her, she was lucky it was your kennels. So hard on our heart, I still remember a big old girl I only had for 5 months, she was the sweetest girl and it completely broke my heart when my vet could do no more. Hugs to you, so sad to lose them but so wonderful to have had them even if only for a short while.

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