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Flooring For Dog Run?


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I've recently bought land and will be building a house within the next 2 years.

In the meantime, I will be living at a relative's house and need ideas for non-permanent flooring for my dog runs.

I've been thinking of possibly using gravel, mulch, or sand?

Are there any certain types of the above which should be used?

Do the particles blow all over the yard or do they usually stay contained within the runs?

Do they smell?

I also thought of pavers but they are very expensive, even for crappy 2nd hand ones.

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I've recently bought land and will be building a house within the next 2 years.

In the meantime, I will be living at a relative's house and need ideas for non-permanent flooring for my dog runs.

I've been thinking of possibly using gravel, mulch, or sand?

Are there any certain types of the above which should be used?

Do the particles blow all over the yard or do they usually stay contained within the runs?

Do they smell?

I also thought of pavers but they are very expensive, even for crappy 2nd hand ones.

My only worry with gravel would be if the dogs ate it - some do apparently.

Pavers can be a pain in the arse.

why not try laying some concrete down yourself - pretty easy and cheap - and clean.

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Concrete would be my first choice but unfortunatly I can't do it at this house.

I was just going to leave the grass but the area where I'll be putting the run is quite shaded and the grass doesn't grow well there.... after all the rain we've had the past week, it's already looking like a mudbath and that's without having the dogs hooning around on it yet.

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I put down a base of crushed concrete for the caravan, sets nice, but at same time lets water seep through. Im thinking of putting it in my dog runs which are just mud baths at the moment. Largest piece is about the size of a twenty cent piece, with most of it being very very small.

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mulch/sand would get smelly very quickly. gravel is ok if your dog doesn't try & eat it..as it can be hosed.

pavers would be my suggestion.. as you can then take them with you ..or sell them on. They can also be hosed/disinfected regularly .

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I put down a base of crushed concrete for the caravan, sets nice, but at same time lets water seep through. Im thinking of putting it in my dog runs which are just mud baths at the moment. Largest piece is about the size of a twenty cent piece, with most of it being very very small.

Where do you get crushed concrete from?

We need to put a floow in our runs but I don't want to go concrete over the whole area. Yep, own a gravel eater :(

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thanks for the replies.

I just found some pavers on ebay with a really cheap "Buy it now" that just got listed so snapped them up. :thumbsup:

I've been watching Ebay for weeks and all the pavers have sold for really high prices, so it must be my lucky day!

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I put down a base of crushed concrete for the caravan, sets nice, but at same time lets water seep through. Im thinking of putting it in my dog runs which are just mud baths at the moment. Largest piece is about the size of a twenty cent piece, with most of it being very very small.

Where do you get crushed concrete from?

We need to put a floow in our runs but I don't want to go concrete over the whole area. Yep, own a gravel eater :(

We have a yard here in Ballarat where you can take broken concrete etc. and they crush it. Doesn't set as hard as concrete of course but hard enough to be able to rake it, especially once it's had a bit of rain on it, no shortage of that here lol

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We use crusher dust in our runs. Drains well, relatively cheap and easy to replace. I do not have a problem with dogs eating it (though I don't feed them raw meaty bones etc on it as it does stick to that). Easy to clean up and to disinfect. Mine dont get smelly. They can get a little dusty in summer but If you spray them with water that solves the issue.

Some of our runs are just the crusher dust and some also have Bodpave filled with the crusher dust. The Bodpave runs are my preference as the dogs cant dig in them but they are not exactly a cheaper option.

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Lilydale toppings etc have concrete dust in them so they set hard. I have path of castella toppings that has set like concrete. You need reasonable drainage though. I have a horse yard that has crap drainage and nothing has worked in there.

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Definitely not sand.

We found that one out the hard way although I have to admit it's actually kind of impressive how far across the yard they can spread the stuff (and how nicely it sticks to their fur in summer when they have permoxin on- turning them into grotty sand monsters to facilitate the spreading into the house, their beds and somehow even into the laundry sink).

Personally, I'd stick with grass if you can't lay concrete. We have pavers in one part of the yard and they're more of a hassle than the original grass was.

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Concrete would be my first choice but unfortunatly I can't do it at this house.

I was just going to leave the grass but the area where I'll be putting the run is quite shaded and the grass doesn't grow well there.... after all the rain we've had the past week, it's already looking like a mudbath and that's without having the dogs hooning around on it yet.

Mine is a mud bath right now, I'm trying to come up with alternatives.

I looked into that fancy artifical grass and it will be just under $2,000 for my 6 x 4.3m kennel.

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