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Side By Side Insemination


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Holy crap Sway that is hilarious - I can sympathise with you giant breed breeders - I have horses - BIG ones - enough said!

We grew up with danes and they still have a special place in my heart - Now if only the OH would let me have more dogs - he seems to think two GSP's will be enough. Little does he know I want at least one of each colour!

I know what you mean about the pet owners doing the whole WTF! When I go out with horse friends during breeding season we can be sitting in a coffee shop talking about semen, AI and whether or not a stallion can get it up and in the right place - When you notice the room has gone quiet and the people around you are looking like we're very disturbed people you realise that it's not necessarily considered a 'normal' conversation topic - well except for us!

LOL, having bred horses in the past I have had a few of those conversations myself, now I also incorporate dogs. Nothing gets a room quieter than for a normally non-cussing woman like myself to say the word "bitch" :laugh:

Edited by Lynai
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