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Prospective Puppy Owners

Jetpoint GSP

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We have some absolutely LOVELY people on our waiting list who are super keen, know exactly what they want their pup for, have a preference for this colour/sex but are prepared to be guided by us as to what pup suits them and their family. Want a pup to be part of the family, take for walks on the beach everyday, do agility, take out fishing/hunting and are in the process of building kennels, getting prepared and are just LOVELY people.

I also have the whole, I want a liver female.....as I have explained many times if I can give them their preference I will but do they have any thoughts about being intersted in another pup if the liver female is not available (I only have one!!!) or unsuitable? Plus they aren't even 2 weeks old yet and they haven't even seen them except for photos, plus we don't know what their personalities are like yet either! I'm trying so hard here but I really want people who want a pup, not just a colour or sex. I want these pups to go to the very best homes (and luckily I have a few of those!). I remember going to look at the litter I got my girl from. I was so sure I wanted a really lively liver and white girl to do agility with and be my general best friend. Got there and looked at the liver and white girls and they were lovely. BUT this little black girl with a white chest just caught my eye, and she kept catching my eye, then I was looking at one of the liver boys, and then there was still this little black girl I kept coming back to - and she was just meant for me! In the end I just couldn't contemplate having any of them but her - and she has been the absolute light of my life since. These people are offering pet homes and from what I know from speaking to them they sound like lovely homes - otherwise they wouldn't be on my list. EXCEPT they seem to only want to consider a particular sex/colour.

Does anyone else have problems like this? What do I do? They do sound like lovely people. I would love to be able to give them exactly which one they want but obviously they can't all have the same one and I really need to be sure that the pup's temperament is suitable for them too. I dont' want them to end up with an over the top pup that frightens their kids or alternatively a submissive pup that is frightened of their kids! What do all you very experienced breeders do in these situations? I don't want to offend anyone or upset them but my pups come first and their future is absolutely paramount to me.

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I would simply tell them straight that you can not guarantee they will get the liver bitch and do they still want to be on your waiting list, put the ball back in their court.

Another reason I don't send photos of tiny puppies to eagerly waiting pet owners!

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I would simply tell them straight that you can not guarantee they will get the liver bitch and do they still want to be on your waiting list, put the ball back in their court.

Agreed, my puppy people are told outright they will not know which is there's until 8 weeks+.

They either chose to wait or not, if they get pushy I put them back in there box!

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I made it clear that no-one, including me, will know what pup is going where until they are assessed at 8 weeks of age. All, including the show homes, have been fine with this. As much as it is killing us all to not know which one is "the one" we are all just sucking it up. :D There are 2 pet puppies and they are spoken for, and the new owners are thrilled to know which one is theirs, but I have 5 show homes waiting to see how the other 6 pups are shaping up. And there is no guarantee for show quality, only show potential.

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I had a similar situation with my litter, I had only one choc girl and 4 people interested in her. Although I think all of them would have given her a good home I chose the person who did agility as she is a very outgoing pup with heaps of energy to burn, I told the others she was unavailable, one decided they would like a black and white girl instead, one said that they would wait as I may have another litter in another 6 weeks and one said no they would look elsewhere. You have to do what is right by you and your puppies.

People do have their preference on colours for many reasons. The people who wanted the choc girl but took the black and white wanted a choc as they had lost a black and white at the beginning of the year at the age of 15 and they just thought it would be nice to have something different but in the end they decided that they just wanted another dog in their life and it didnt matter what colour it was. One of my other owners had a black and white and red and white and wanted to add a chocolate and white (all pets). Another had a black and white male who is aging and wanted another black and whtie before he got too old.

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Ok I'm glad it's not just me then! I too don't even know who is getting what yet except the one boy, I don't even know which one I'm keeping! I'm glad you've all said the same thing - I feel much better about my decision and am definitely going to stick to it. Being the first litter this was always going to be hard but you're right. I know these pups, i've put so much time and effort into them and I want to be sure they're going to the right home.

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Here they get told around 6 weeks that we have a pup available but not sure which one.

Those who want specific are also told from day 1 that it limits there choices greatly ,we also ask if there preference isn't available do they want the option of another colour/sex,if they say no then they are told there & then that what there chances are.

We are honest because they deserve it ,said pup could be your pick (depending on what you plan to keep )

People are entitled to preferences but breeders can't pull there options out of a hat & we tend to find those very specific often let you down the most or hardest to please so in all honestly if we have more people who are excellent prospects & not fussed in what they get our preference goes with them .

Edited by showdog
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As per everyone else - we take their preference but explain that there is no guarantee that exactly what they want will be available plus then puppies have to be assessed temperament / conformation etc etc at 6 to 8 weeks so again no-one is told exactly. I put them back in their boxes as well ( :rofl: Sway) - While I have all the time in the world for our puppy people - I don't have the time to be wasting on people who aren't genuine.

I had some guy ring me last week demanding a black male (yes thats possible but we have 3 on order already :)), then 'strongly suggested' that I negotiate the price down with him :rofl: - (I don't negotiate when I already have 5 puppies + ours sold from a litter that is due at the end of the year) and to top that off 'told' me that they wanted to visit our house to meet the mother and the father (dam fine but sire we don't own) - He then 'told' me that I needed to get the sire to our house so that they could meet him (the next day mind you :rofl: ). Besides that - never do I have first meetings with people that I don't know at my house. NEVER !. I told him that I was happy to bring the dam to the show (last sat) if he wanted to come there but that wasn't good enough he was adamant that they come to our house the very next day. Well he got told NO ! :) - and suprise suprise he did't call me back re coming to the show :rofl: .

Sometime the box is much required.

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As per everyone else - we take their preference but explain that there is no guarantee that exactly what they want will be available plus then puppies have to be assessed temperament / conformation etc etc at 6 to 8 weeks so again no-one is told exactly. I put them back in their boxes as well ( :rofl: Sway) - While I have all the time in the world for our puppy people - I don't have the time to be wasting on people who aren't genuine.

I had some guy ring me last week demanding a black male (yes thats possible but we have 3 on order already :)), then 'strongly suggested' that I negotiate the price down with him :rofl: - (I don't negotiate when I already have 5 puppies + ours sold from a litter that is due at the end of the year) and to top that off 'told' me that they wanted to visit our house to meet the mother and the father (dam fine but sire we don't own) - He then 'told' me that I needed to get the sire to our house so that they could meet him (the next day mind you :rofl: ). Besides that - never do I have first meetings with people that I don't know at my house. NEVER !. I told him that I was happy to bring the dam to the show (last sat) if he wanted to come there but that wasn't good enough he was adamant that they come to our house the very next day. Well he got told NO ! :) - and suprise suprise he did't call me back re coming to the show :rofl: .

Sometime the box is much required.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

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I would simply tell them straight that you can not guarantee they will get the liver bitch and do they still want to be on your waiting list, put the ball back in their court.

Agreed, my puppy people are told outright they will not know which is there's until 8 weeks+.

They either chose to wait or not, if they get pushy I put them back in there box!


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As per everyone else - we take their preference but explain that there is no guarantee that exactly what they want will be available plus then puppies have to be assessed temperament / conformation etc etc at 6 to 8 weeks so again no-one is told exactly. I put them back in their boxes as well ( :rofl: Sway) - While I have all the time in the world for our puppy people - I don't have the time to be wasting on people who aren't genuine.

I had some guy ring me last week demanding a black male (yes thats possible but we have 3 on order already :)), then 'strongly suggested' that I negotiate the price down with him :rofl: - (I don't negotiate when I already have 5 puppies + ours sold from a litter that is due at the end of the year) and to top that off 'told' me that they wanted to visit our house to meet the mother and the father (dam fine but sire we don't own) - He then 'told' me that I needed to get the sire to our house so that they could meet him (the next day mind you :rofl: ). Besides that - never do I have first meetings with people that I don't know at my house. NEVER !. I told him that I was happy to bring the dam to the show (last sat) if he wanted to come there but that wasn't good enough he was adamant that they come to our house the very next day. Well he got told NO ! :) - and suprise suprise he did't call me back re coming to the show :rofl: .

Sometime the box is much required.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Even better when you have used Semen from a dead dog or overseas animal or Interstate .

We had one person wanting to meet the parents of our bitch we said no problems start saving & fly to Belgium .They still didn't get it ;)

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I had a black titled bitch to rehome.. she was gorgeous, jsut stunning, and met a couple who thought they could get over *her bad colour*... they wanted a red pom, and a red pom was all they wanted.. I explained blacks were common and desired in our breed, to keep the colour rich.. but all they could see was black was a bad colour (if it was so bad then why did she make her championship title)

My gorgeous black was ideal in EVERY way.... they met her and fell in love with her... then rang a few days later and said no, we want a red, let us know when you have a red adult champion dog for rehoming.

i actually did say "sure, ill jsut defrost one" but they didnt get it. As far as i know they are still looking.. If they ever contact me again I wont have anything, if they are that stuck on colour what happens if the dog starts to go a bit grey around the muzzle.... Colour is last thing i breed for, health is so much more important.

regardless, my adorable wee black girl met a elderly lady who came to a show and they laid eyes on each other and that was that.. she now is so pampered, I told her that when i die I want to come back as her dog!

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We have some absolutely LOVELY people on our waiting list who are super keen, know exactly what they want their pup for, have a preference for this colour/sex but are prepared to be guided by us as to what pup suits them and their family. Want a pup to be part of the family, take for walks on the beach everyday, do agility, take out fishing/hunting and are in the process of building kennels, getting prepared and are just LOVELY people.

I also have the whole, I want a liver female.....as I have explained many times if I can give them their preference I will but do they have any thoughts about being intersted in another pup if the liver female is not available (I only have one!!!) or unsuitable? Plus they aren't even 2 weeks old yet and they haven't even seen them except for photos, plus we don't know what their personalities are like yet either! I'm trying so hard here but I really want people who want a pup, not just a colour or sex. I want these pups to go to the very best homes (and luckily I have a few of those!). I remember going to look at the litter I got my girl from. I was so sure I wanted a really lively liver and white girl to do agility with and be my general best friend. Got there and looked at the liver and white girls and they were lovely. BUT this little black girl with a white chest just caught my eye, and she kept catching my eye, then I was looking at one of the liver boys, and then there was still this little black girl I kept coming back to - and she was just meant for me! In the end I just couldn't contemplate having any of them but her - and she has been the absolute light of my life since. These people are offering pet homes and from what I know from speaking to them they sound like lovely homes - otherwise they wouldn't be on my list. EXCEPT they seem to only want to consider a particular sex/colour.

Does anyone else have problems like this? What do I do? They do sound like lovely people. I would love to be able to give them exactly which one they want but obviously they can't all have the same one and I really need to be sure that the pup's temperament is suitable for them too. I dont' want them to end up with an over the top pup that frightens their kids or alternatively a submissive pup that is frightened of their kids! What do all you very experienced breeders do in these situations? I don't want to offend anyone or upset them but my pups come first and their future is absolutely paramount to me.

I hear you jetpoint, i did the dreaded mistake of advertising before the litter was born espression of interest & to go on a waiting list...NEVER AGAIN, my next litter will be advertised at 6 weeks

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Oh dear Britt - you're right - never again!

I have had two more 'I want that one' and have had to AGAIN explain that i'm sorry but I cannot guarantee you a particular puppy. The pups need to be much older and we will then have an idea of their personality and suitability for each prospective owner. Then, and only then I will decide if I have a puppy that is suitable for you. I explain how important it is to me that my pups go to homes where they will be an enjoyable and suitable addition to the family where they will be forever and that their colour and sex will not be the determining factors. I personally cannot believe people would actually choose a puppy from a picture!! I would want to see them, see how they interact and get an idea of their temperament etc before even contemplating picking one....ARGHHH!!!

You live you learn I guess - I can only take what I learn this time around and remember it for the next litter (i'm going to write it down too so that I REALLY don't forget!!)

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I just learnt that lesson too Britt. Although 6 of my 9 did go to people who contacted me before the litter was born or in the first week and all were happy to wait and take the puppy I said they could have. I had heaps and heaps of enquiries though that were trying to tell me what they want or that I said I would be in touch with and most ended up having found something else so I was left finding homes for 2 puppies.

The weirdest 1s I had were the lady who rang to find out about Aussie Shepherds and if they were suitable for her - umm I breed border collies. And her yes I know and we are considering those but want to know more about Aussies. Well ring an Aussie breeder!! And then the 1 that contacted me about my available girl and when i replied 24 hours later that I did not think she was suitable for her but had a boy that I thought might be a good match she replied with "oh we aren't ready for a pup now, we are looking for in a few months." Well you contacted me about the puppy I had advertised as ready to go!!!

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