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When Did You Get A New Furry Family Member?


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So, as many of you know I've had a horrible week losing my beautiful girl Emma. :cry: And there are a few others here who have oddly enough been in the same position - there was something funny going on this week with dogs in dog land and putting their humans through the toughest test I think!

Anyway, when you lost your dog when did you consider getting another one? Actually doesn't have to be dog specific does it, when did you consider getting a another furry family member?

I find this interesting as for me at the moment it is not something I really want to think about. I will get another dog, I can't be without and I want Kenzie to have a friend to live with again. And I know that I will know when the time is right for both of us. But a friend's parents also lost their dog (I think 2 weeks ago), and they brought home a new arrival yesterday. He is adorable and they look so happy with him :) .

I know there is no "answer" to this, but I'm just interested in people's experiences about when they felt they were ready to get a new furry family member and how did you know (or how were you thrust into the situation!!!)?????

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Yeah it was a crap week for dog lovers. I got Shae earlier this year because I found 3 dogs a difficult number to manage and 4 was definitely better, but now we're back to 3.

I just want Benson back. If I got another dog now it would be a knee jerk reaction to losing him and not fair on the dog.

For now I'll just sit tight and see what life has in store for us. Sometmes fate leads you to the right solution.

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After Sasha died mum got another dog 3 weeks afterwards and it helped her and the 3 little kids heal. Its such a personal and individual thing. BF's parents family dog died nearly 4 years ago and they still call Leila my BFs GSD Delta their old dogs name. His mum still crys about her and its still raw for her. Such an individual thing.

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Yeah it was a crap week for dog lovers. I got Shae earlier this year because I found 3 dogs a difficult number to manage and 4 was definitely better, but now we're back to 3.

I just want Benson back. If I got another dog now it would be a knee jerk reaction to losing him and not fair on the dog.

For now I'll just sit tight and see what life has in store for us. Sometmes fate leads you to the right solution.

Feeling exactly the same. But today the puppy I'm babysitting goes home and it's going to be a bit of an empty household - not used to being a 1 dog house :( . But completely agree with the last hing you said - that's how I ended up with Em in the first place and look how good that ended up being :thumbsup: .

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Shortest gap I've ever had was a year, and even then, I called my new dog the old name a couple of times - took a while to get to know him in his right but it's turned out better than I could have hoped for.

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First time I lost a dog it took me nearly 4 years before I got another, when my next dog was 12 I got another and since then have not been a single dog household.

I think the time varies too if you no longer have any dog as to if you have others there with you still.

I believe you just know when the time is right and you know the right dog too.

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We lost Harry in November last year. Afterwards, Lola's behaviour broke my heart. She barely moved from her bed, wouldn't even get up when people came over (usually she would bark first, then get pats etc). I didn't know what to do with her. It took her much longer to get over it than us. I knew that I wanted a Frenchie eventually, but I also knew that Lola would be better with a companion sooner rather than later. So I contacted a breeder in December and we were super lucky to bring Sid home in March (he was born on Boxing Day). I thought I would have to wait for much, much longer to get a Frenchie puppy, but the breeder and I just clicked and he was very suited to our situation. It was meant to be.

It all happened much faster than expected, and some people were suprised that we 'moved on' so quickly. But the timing was perfect - Lola was back to her normal self within 24 hours of bringing Sid home.

Edited by huga
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We waited 4 months after our dog died before getting another- and even that was supposed to be temporary.

I definitely missed having a dog and I although I have happy memories of Clover, I think I have a better bond with Mindy. Clover was my mum's heart dog and my mum still misses her I think.

Personally I enjoy the fun and enthusiasm of a young labrador, she has been a lot of fun (and work) and easy to train. I think my mum prefers the easygoing, laid back and loyal temperament of our aussie.

We considered getting another aussie shepherd soon after her death.

I feel this would have been a bad move, and now I realise (after seeing some at agility classes) that not all are calm and laid back, some are full on- as much as and even more so than our lab!

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Yes, I waited about 2.5 months before getting Sonny after I lost Redman at 14.5 years old. He had been sick for about

6 months before he passed away. He was really special as I rescued him at 18 months of age from an extremely mentally & physically abusive

residence.I just adored him.From day one he trusted me 100%. I could do anything with him. I miss him still & think about my special Redman often. I reckon because I

knew for sometime that he was going to pass that I had pretty much prepared myself for 'that moment' & with that I didn't wait as long to get Sonny as

I probably would have had Redman gone suddenly. It is a very personnal thing, our house just wasn't a home after Redman had gone. Almost clinnical. All the warmth had gone.

Now I have Sonnny & Stella girl as well & am enjoying having 2 dogs for the first time & loving every minute of it. :D

It's been an aweful week for you Pretty Miss Emma & Gayle K. My thought's are with you both.

Edited by BC Crazy
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I've only ever lost one dog, last December to a tick, he was 9. We were just so sad with only the one dog and she was sad without a doggy friend. He was the entertainer in the family and it was eerily quiet without him. It felt right 3 months later to welcome a puppy. I think it also gave us appreciation for the doggy circle of life, one ends, one begins. We recently welcomed another puppy- 3 is much better than 2 :)

I have cried for the recent losses, I'm so sorry :hug:

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When my first border died at 15yo I found my other border was very very sad. Fern basically lay on her bed and didn't move. A friend had lost 2 borders very close together so I freaked out and managed to find a friend for Fern, that was Brock. Would have been within 2 weeks.

I didn't really like feeling like I had replaced Moss and Fern was also getting old so when Poppy's litter came up I got her. So I had 3. Ferny rallied and kept going.

I then decided I liked 3 dogs and so when Amber was born I got her too.

So I had 4. Ferny passed away at 15 last year. She was my heart dog so that was horrible but she was old and had a great life.

3 young dogs were a bit hard to handle. With 4 it was much easier.

With Brock gone I am back to 2. So half the number of dogs in a year. I don't want to get another dog this time. I am trying to look at the positives of only having 2. Also feel too crappy this time with how if happened.

If I had one dog left I would see how they were and put their happiness above my own. ie Are they missing a friend?

I don't think I could be dogless so if the departed dog was my only dog I think I would be getting another dog very quickly. Having another creature to care for also helps the healing I think as you can't sit and wallow.

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Really sorry for your losses never an easy thing.

We have always just waited and the right dog has come along in its own time. The last time we rescued a dog a month before we lost our last dog (and we knew the time was coming). Not something we were planning, not the type of dog we normally have but just the dog we were suppose to have. We went to the vet to wish them a merry christmas and came home with our tiny man - who was to be put down for aggression - not a mean bone in his body from what we could all see so being Christmas and all it just seemed wrong so home he came with us after the vet talked to his owner and we talked it over. He was badly underweight, had been shaved off to get rid of bad matts, and being eaten alive by fleas. And then Katie our rescue grey came home four months later again not because it was the right time for us but because it was the right time for her and she was the right dog for us.

I wish you all well at the right dog finding your family when its time.

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It's definitely a personal thing. Sorry for all the sad losses of late. My heart goes out to you.

I moved to Melbourne with a couple of seniors - my Burmese, Willow, and my ACD, Dolly. Dolly was put to sleep at age 17 and I didn't think it fair on Willow to deal with a young puppy as she was a little frail and losing her vision. Willow was put to sleep at 18 the following year and I was devastated all over again. An empty house is not good! One of the vet nurses told me about her Burmese boy and, with much sensitivity, gave me the breeder's details. I rang and chatted but wasn't expecting an available kitten for many months. A breeding prospect sale had fallen through and the breeder offered me the 'lilac baby'. Emails and photos went back and forth and I asked Mr TSD what we should do. He said: "Put a deposit down of course!!!" In the meantime I fostered some kittens, which helped bridge the gap. I waited another 2 years for my Dalmatian because of availability from the breeder I wanted. It was tough but it was worth the wait :)

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As some of you know I lost Cindy this week and have sort of started looking already. Cindy was my only dog so I am feeling it.

I just have trouble coping without a dog. I miss training, my friends and club. I know I could go without a dog but I am not sure I could face it.

It has been a shocking day today. I spent hours raking the back garden in case there was more chocolate hidden there (CIndy stole chocolate and buried it).

It is a personal thing and it possibly depends on the number of dogs you have as well as how all involved (fur and skin bods) cope with the loss.

ETA Must change my name but can't bring myself to do it :cry:

Edited by Sue & Cindy
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