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Tibial Crest Avulsion


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Aww he looks so cute up on that chair :)

I LOVE the first pic.

Does he have a cast on, or just a bandage?

Electra didn't have anything like that, they left it open.

I left the cone on when I couldn't supervise her too, I think the regrowth of the shaved hair bothered her more than the actual stitches/wound.

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Gorgeous photos of the boy.

HAve been watching this thread and Im glad he is now home and I am sure is resting.

I have seen this in a few young dogs and they all seemed to heal up well. One ended up with a permanently thickened leg that didn't fully extend but didn't seemed to be caused any pain and I don't think he was as strictly confined as he should have been.

I am sure he will be back to 100% in no time. Give that gorgeous face kisses from us :)

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Oooh poor Sid! :(

Make sure you get the bandaged changes ASAP if it has got wet, I have seen them go from wet to foot falling off very very quickly unfortunately.

I have been lucky enough to perform this surgery myself and they usually go really well with a bit of TLC. :D

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Eh? Foot falling off?

Anyway, he's fine. I used paper towel to soak up some of the water. It wasn't too wet anyway, his water bowl was really shallow. We're seeing the vet on Saturday again so she can check up on everything.

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I'm glad to hear his first day at home was uneventful :thumbsup:

Hopefully today was the same!!

I'd be a bit concerned if the bandage got wet, just think what it'd be like on a person..the skin could/would get all wrinkly and damp. If left too long I do think it could cause a problem. :(

I realise you dried it BUT if it did soak through to the inner gauze/padding you may not be able to tell it's still moist?

Maybe just give the vet a ring to check what they advise? ;)

Since he's going to be confined for a bit longer could you raise his water? Hang it from the side of his crate?

Is the bandage making it difficult for him to walk/pee etc?

Would love more pics if you have any :D

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I suggest a small water bowl suspended from the end of the crate .. Wet bandage is a concern indeed . if the moisture does reach the skin- the bacteria will GROW rapidly in that warm/moist environment .. and it can get very nasty.

Love those photos :)

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Oops - forgot to update. We had a check up yesterday and he is fine :) Foot was completely dry and the bandages were removed. He still has a lot of swelling at the site and is limping more now that he doesn't have the support of the bandages. He is also paying much more attention to the surgery site, so has to have the cone on more often.

The trouble with suspending a water bowl, is that he can't drink out of it with the cone on. I'm tempted to cut the cone down, but I don't want to cut it too far and have him licking the wound.

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Huga can you put in a frozen water bottle with a towel under it? He can then lick the condensation off the bottle but not have a bowl to plop his foot in.

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The poor little guy is so bored. I feel awful for him being in the crate all the time.

I felt the same with Electra, so ended up tying some chews to the side of her crate so she could get to them with the cone on.

Once the stitches come out it gets heaps easier ;)

I also had her in the lounge room, with the tv on, she loved the cartoons and kids shows! :laugh:

I hope he's still improving, the next few weeks will seem like they last an eternity, but when it's all over you will both forget it pretty quickly :thumbsup:

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