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Tibial Crest Avulsion


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I got home yesterday afternoon and Sid was limping. Rested him overnight in his crate, but there was no change this morning so off to the vet we went. It looks like he has fractured his tibial crest (pointy bit under knee), which is apparently not uncommon in young dogs of his age. Xrays to confirm on Monday and most likely surgery :( Has anyone had any experience with this?

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Hi huga :)

I'm so sorry to hear sid has injured himself :(

Electra had an avulsion tibial crest when she was just 17wks old.

Here's a link to the thread I started when it happened.

I'm definitely no expert, but if I can offer any experiences we had please feel free to ask ;)

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Thanks Nik.

Thank you so much Raffiki - what an ordeal for you though! :eek: Lucky for me, Sid is already crate trained, so has been resting in there comfortably. He's not happy about it, but he is at ease with the crate. I feel so sorry for him though. Seeing those xrays was awesome, that's exactly how the vet explained it to me (including the figure 8 of wire to keep the bone in place). Xrays and surgery for Sid tomorrow and then I'm going to ask my boss if I can take him into work. Otherwise, I'm not entirely sure what I will do with him.

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Good luck for tomorrow!

One thing I would highly recommend is seeing a muscle person(bowen, acupuncturist or chiropractor)

I'm not sure of sids age, but because Electra was so young, and the crating ended up being for longer than the original 2 weeks(about 4 weeks I think), she suffered muscle loss.

I eventually took her to see an acupuncturist and she still goes for visits/acupuncture every 3 months.

At the time my vet didn't suggest any kind of rehab, but our acupuncturist said she could have helped/advised with gentle exercise/massage.

I hope your boss lets you take Sid into work with you!

Let us know how he goes tomorrow ;) :)

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How old was Electra when it happened? Sid is almost 7 months.

Electra was only 4 months old, so her growth plates hadn't yet closed.

For the first 3 weeks the vet had me carrying her outside to toilet and strict rest. I tried having her in a small room, but she wouldn't settle and was trying to jump around so that's when we decided a crate would be best for her. I think it was hard for us because I had two pups at the same time too!

I will be thinking of you and Sid today :)

Let us know how it all goes.....and give him plenty of cuddles from us :hug:

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The vet told me the growth plates fuse at around 7 months, so Sid must be just before.

I dropped him off this morning. He was happy to see the vet nurse and got all snorty and excited and licked her face. He has no idea what's coming. The vet was going to call after he has his xrays done this morning, so I'm just waiting to hear.

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I was in at the vet picking up Asante sana (my shar pei) and I spotted a little frenchie wearing a yarmulke (the little black patch on his head) snoring his head off in his recovery cage. I asked if that was Sid and the vet looked at me and said "how do you know him". I laughed and said Sid is famous. :D

He was very groggy when I saw him but I got to remake his bed whilst the nurse gave him a cuddle and smooch. I feel like I've rubbed shoulders with royalty. :love:

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I was in at the vet picking up Asante sana (my shar pei) and I spotted a little frenchie wearing a yarmulke (the little black patch on his head) snoring his head off in his recovery cage. I asked if that was Sid and the vet looked at me and said "how do you know him". I laughed and said Sid is famous. :D

He was very groggy when I saw him but I got to remake his bed whilst the nurse gave him a cuddle and smooch. I feel like I've rubbed shoulders with royalty. :love:

Nawwwww! Thank you so much for telling me Ams! That makes me feel better :D He snores so loudly :o

I'm feeling a bit sad tonight because he had to stay overnight, my poor boy. Apparently surgery was successful though and he did a fair bit of damage to that little tibial crest. I'll bring him home tomorrow afternoon. Not sure yet if the pins will have to come out. He might have done enough growing, but the vet isn't sure, so it's a wait and see thing.

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The nurses were just in love with him. Apparently he knows how to work a captive audience and he really did smooch em up when you dropped him off. He is in good hands, although if he keeps being so adorably cute you may have to steal him back. ;)

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Sounds like he's in good hands :thumbsup:

Electra still has the wire and pin in, the vet said he made sure it was buried in the cartlige and it hasn't caused any problems (it's now about 2 years since it happened)

Will be thinking of you tomorrow for when you pick the little guy up. :)

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Oh good - Electra was younger too, so hopefully keeping the pin in Sid's leg doesn't cause any problems.

I just talked to one of the nurses and she asked if she can keep him :laugh: He had a good night, left his bandage alone (but ripped up his bed :o).

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This is an xray taken on the 8/9/10, so just over 12 months after her surgery. You can see how/where the growth places have closed


compared to the original xray(is a slightly different angle)


To me it looks like the pin & wire are just out of the way of the plates, hopefully Sid won't need to have them removed :crossfingers:

I just talked to one of the nurses and she asked if she can keep him :laugh: He had a good night, left his bandage alone (but ripped up his bed :o)

Awwww, he sounds like a sweetie :)

Would love to see some pics of him when he gets home tonight ;)

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He's ok. Unfortunately I can't bring him into work, but I think he should be ok at home. He's crated, with his bed up one end and paper down the other. I did leave the cone on him this morning, because I can't trust him to leave his leg alone. He was really good though and left it alone lastnight and he's only been going outside on lead for wees. Back to the vet on Saturday so she can check his temp and bandages etc.

I saw the xrays of his knee before - omg, he did some damage. The little tibial crest was waaaay out from where it should have been. Anyway, here's the little patient yesterday afternoon:





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