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Lame Kelpie - A Few Questions


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Ok so Punni, my 10 yr old kelpie started a bit of a limp a week ago. Popped her right into the vets, they said its her left shoulder, probably soft tissue damage, rest her.

Its getting worse, so next step is xrays on Monday to make sure it is only soft tissue damage and to determine next steps. Thank you to those who have given me help on threads or via PM :thanks:

My questions are;

We have 5 steps down to the back yard and 3 down the 'unfenced' front. Of course she has to go to the toilet, so any ideas on what I can do because I worry about her using the steps. They don't seem to worry her, but it must be undoing 'rest' and not be good for recovery.

We used to go for 1-1.5hr walks during the day and lots of car rides. I'm going to look into clicker training to see what I can do to keep her mind active. Any other ideas?

We have two dogs. So for the past week, neither have had walks because I don't want one to feel left out and wonder why she can't go. But longer term, I think I need to take my westie for walks and leave the kelpie at home - poor kelpie! Is this what you would do? Any tips on how to handle it? This might be a stupid question but do you think the kelpie is intuitive enough to know she is lame and that's why she isn't coming for walks and car rides? Am I over thinking things?

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For the last 6 months my dogs were walked separately due to differing needs (one young ratbag and one older blind with health issues) - they don't like it at first and then they get over it because they each get to spend special time with just you. I usually left the one at home with something to "do" - buster cube, pig snout, etc.

When I wanted them to be together I would try to find an off lead park I could drive to that didn't require too much walking so Em could just hang around with me and potter about sniffing trees etc and Kenzie could have a good run around doing the things that insane youngsters do!

A mix of both these each week kept them happy plus I would do some living room training with them (well mainly Kenzie but Em came along for the free treats!!).

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Thanks, very helpful. I have bought a ramp for the car so the kelpie doesn't have to jump up into the car and down again. But I worry that the work her legs have to do to balance in the car will harm her shoulder. I will walk my other dog - she and I both need the exercise. All your comments are helpful.

My kelpie is a perfect dog - but she doesn't like the ramp and she hates me carrying her - she squirms, and quakes and squeals as if I am stabbing her (typical of her behaviour when she is unsure of things).

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Could you build a ramp on one side of the steps but put rails down each side of the ramp so it appears more solid and stable for her to walk up and down. Ie the top of the rail nearly her wither height, then maybe another half way down?? She may not like to walk down a ramp that she feels is too skinny or that she may fall off potentially.

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Yes, need to explore building a ramp - those rails are a good idea - would make it feel more secure for her. Thx.

well took her to the vet and her right 'wrist' has inflammed muscle and is really sore. Now stupidly I did not notice this before I got to the vet. Last week when the lameness started, the vet thought it was soft tissue damage in her left shoulder.

Now its the right wrist.

well it is definitely the right wrist - you cans see it.

But I am wondering if the initial vet misdiagnosed it as the left shoulder when it wss the right wrist, or if the right wrist is a new injury and there is still something wrong with the left shoulder.

The vets were going to xray the left shoulder and the right wrist. I had to leave her all afternoon.

Annoyingly the vets forgot to xray the left shoulder.

So they said I could leave her there again on Monday and she will need a general (I think) and they will do the xray for no additional fee.

But I don't want to put her through another day at the vet and a general unless I have to.

The vet said that there is nothing really important that needs to be identified now in her left shoulder. She said worse case would be a tumour and there would be no treatment for that. So we decided to leave the xray off for now - and hopefully the rest and inflammatory/pain medication will help the swollen wrist AND the left shoulder - if the left shoulder has an issue.

Vet said its going to take 1-2 months to recover - and no walks for my walking-addicted kelpie.

Poor girl. She loves her walks, going to the park, going for drives to different parks, going to the beach...she is going to be so miserable without these activities :( On top of that she will see her sister being take out for walks and she will be left behind.

I have ordered a clicker and that should come soon, and that will help a bit. I hope the next two months fly by and she recovers well.

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