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Grade 3 Heart Murmur


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i had a kelpie x puppy with a grade 4

sadly due to other issues she was PTS a few months ago

but he heart did great. If she didnt have her other many issues

she would still be going strong. she would run around at the park

like a lunatic etc.

We had her for over 3yrs

Sorry to hear about your puppy.

Was she on any medications?

I have a friend with a dog with a Grade 5, on meds three times a day.

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My old dog is a grade 4 and without medication wouldn't survive. He has been on medication for 4 years and is going okay but also has spinal issues so it is hard to say exactly which is slowing him down. Treating him is very expensive and as such we have chosen not to add another medication to his daily lot as even though it would help his symptoms he is going well without it and it would add another $2 per day to the medication he already has.

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I had a foxie that had a 5/6 heart murmur and she required huge doses of medications but she managed to live until she was 18. The medications are very expensive and i was paying out over $200 a month for Vetmedin and diuretics but she couldn't survive without them.

I am not sure what i would do in your situation but i feel that if the breeder is ethical she should consider helping out with the vet bills to obtain an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment for the puppy. If you don't get any joy speak with Dogs Vic or which ever state you purchased the puppy from for some advice. I feel that the breeder is probably using the PTS as an emotional point. If you paid $3500 you should at least obtain half of the money back towards vet bills. Try some negotiation. I am sure the breeder wouldn't want their state controlling body to have to become involved and be dragged before an Ethics committee.

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OSoSwift and Skye2- Did you dogs start off with a minor murmur and it progressivly got worse or was it diagnosed at that grade and stayed the same??

I don't want to turn this into a bag the breeder thread. Its ultimately my decision to keep him and refuse the offer of refund.

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The only pups that I have know who were born with heart murmurs died before 6 months old - not all were purebred.

I honestly think by keeping the pup you are setting yourself and son up for a lot of heartbreak.

Edited by Andisa
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Well my boy got it older so a bit different, but he got diagnosesd on the same day I had my 8 and a half year old Dobe put down with dilated cardio myopathy. The reason being I had a stethescope and had listened to his heart to compare hers to and thought I must have no idea what I was listening for as they sounded very similar.

He had slowed down but we just thought he had finally grown up - he was 10. I got asked if he had coughed and said no-just to hear him cough!

He was graded a 2 to a 2 and a half last I was told was a 3 and a half, no we just go yeh it's crap and don't bother with a grading while he is happy and his medication is working. As I said before he is 14 and has spinal and other joint arthritis so his very slow ways these days I think are more due to that than his heart - might be wrong though..

His brother was diagnosed with a heart probelm at 10 weeks and was euthed

Edited by OSoSwift
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Staffords are supposed to be boisterous, full of life and vitality, robust, canine cannonballs.

Can I ask whether you think it is fair for the puppy to contain him to a life that is sedate, fraught with worry as to whether he is getting too excited, whether he is too hot, what if he gets separation anxiety and stresses out whilst you're not there? Is it fair for your son to go through that too? Not to mention the fact that the pup will probably have to be medicated for the rest of its life which will put a strain on him and probably lead to other medical issues, you and your pocket (ok the last thing you're probably thinking about, but still).

As hard as the decision is now, I feel it would be a kinder on all concerned (the pup included) if it is made now. By getting a healthy pup you give your family the chance to grow with a dog that will live for the next 12 years at least, all things willing.

Just my opinion.

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