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Hi there i recently purchased a lovely saint bernard pup who at the moment is only 12 weeks of age she is going to puppy

classes...i would like to know how i get into showing her and if she has to go to special showing classes to learn the ropes..i live in brisbane on the southside any input would be great....:)

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First I would recommend talking this through with your breeder to see if they think your puppy is a good example of the breed and show potential worthy. Then your pup needs to be on the main register with your State's governing body. You yourself have until the pup is I think 6 months old before you have to be a financial member as well. Then it's a matter of going through the gazette, entering some shows in baby puppy class and training your pup how to present itself for your breed (I know nothing about showing St B's so it might be different to what I know).

Good luck :)

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Take a look here and see when the next show is on at Durack, http://www.dogsqueensland.org.au/Durack-Info.aspx If you click up the top where its says Durack All breeds standard Ring Plan you should find the Saints on ring 16 and sometimes ring 5

Also do what SoL said, unless you brought the puppy on main register you cant show.

Go along to a few shows and watch the people showing the saints and have a chat to them.

I might get to see you one day when I eventually get my Newfoundland show dog, we will be at the same ring

Good luck and we love photos of puppies.

Edited by mish13
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Welcome to the world of Dog Showing.

To be able to show your dog in Queensland you must be a financial member of Dogs Queensland and your dog must be on the main register.

I would speak to your breeder, they will be able to fill you in on all details.

Good luck with your showing.

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There are handling classes run at Durack on Thursday nights at 6.30pm. You can just turn up, no need to book. The cost is $3. There are quite a lot of saints that come for training.

If she is on main register and your breeder thinks she has a shot in the ring, give it a go. It is great fun :)

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she doesn't have to go to special show training classes but I would highly recommend them as not only puppy socialisation for her but the tips that you learn about the show ring would be invaluable. It also gets the pup used to other dogs in front and behind for the show ring. In fact I went to show training classes with a dog that wasn't able to be shown just for the socialisation and have now ended up somehow with another dog that can be shown :laugh:

As others said have a chat to your breeder as well about whether your pup has some show potential. The advice I was given that your first pup you normally don't win in the show ring with but you learn so much that you have a better chance with your next pup. I'm lucky though my first show dog is a griffen so I could have a dozen in not much space - St Bernards are a bit different :laugh:

But the best advice I was given was just go out and have fun :) And if you find showing is not for you or your St Bernard there are other ways you can exhibit him such as obedience trials. That was one of the main factors for me too with my griffen, that I could do something else with him rather than just showing such as obedience and agility.

All the very best of luck :)

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