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Reducing Food

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I was hoping that I might be able to ask for some assistance on the current diet of my two Labs.

On the advice of my Lab's chiro (potential future joint issues) I have been told that I need to take 3-4 kilo's off my girl and 2-3 kilos off my boy. I need them to be as lean as possible so my chiro has advised to cut out their kibble completely and he will reasses in a month's time re their progress.

As I have always fed a mixture of raw and dry so I am a bit concerned that they may be missing out on minerals/vitamins etc by cutting out the kibble completley. I had them on RC Lab for Tango and the RC low fat version for Tippi - they were only getting a 1/12 and 1 cup a day resepectively prior.

So now they have a chicken carcasso OR 2 -3 chicken necks OR a turkey neck in the morning and at night have a small amount

of cooked beef ( we make a big pot of veg/beef stew for them every 2 weeks or so ) or raw mince with lots of mashed pumpkin and every other low carb vege known to man with a bit of chicken stock. I also give them a tab of flaxseed oil ( health food store but the brand is specially for animals ) and the recommended scoop daily of Petark Joint Care...

The chiro has advised against any glucosomine products until they are over 2 yrs - they are 18 mnths... The Joint care does have some other minerals etc in it...

They also have a dental stick daily and no treats now with training - except for the non food kind !!! Kisses and cuddles :) Which for Labs I am sure is no compensation for food !!

Also once a week the beef is replaced with tuna or eggs...

I would be greatful for any advice on the above...

Do I need to add vit/mineral supplement / fish oil ???? Does anyone have other suggestions for what I could add etc...

Should I be doing something differently ??

Many thanks in advance...I don't what i would do without DOL...


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Cut the dentastix and give them a roo tail as a meal once or twice a week. About a 6 inch piece of tail will do them for a day and it's low in fat. The will clean the teeth better than any dentastick will.

I'd cut the stew, it's not necessary.

I'd try one meal a day and make it a carcass or the necks and 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of weight management.

Turkey necks are huge and are a meal on their own.

You could do a meal of raw mince and veg, add an egg in once a week too.

Increase their exercise and decrease the calorie intake.

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Cut the dentastix and give them a roo tail as a meal once or twice a week. About a 6 inch piece of tail will do them for a day and it's low in fat. The will clean the teeth better than any dentastick will.

I'd cut the stew, it's not necessary.

I'd try one meal a day and make it a carcass or the necks and 1/2 to 3/4 of a cup of weight management.

Turkey necks are huge and are a meal on their own.

You could do a meal of raw mince and veg, add an egg in once a week too.

Increase their exercise and decrease the calorie intake.

Thank you ReadySetGo..... appreciate your response...

I had not thought of roo tail - hell of a lot better for them than a dental stick I would imagine !

Might start going just with the raw mince or raw beef with veges as you suggested and ditch the stew...

Probably will spread over two small meals though as being Labs I have a paranoia about bloat...and my boy is a nervy sort of dog AND a scoffer...

Is roo tail easily found ?? I am in the lower blue mountains - I am happy to order online if anyone has a good website...

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You can get you roo tails from The Fresh Meat Store

If the tails are big, I hit them with the axe and chop them in half. I've not had any bone splinters or shattered pieces in the years I've been doing it.

Thank you so much !

I have been looking for something for a site like that for ages - alot of places don't deliver to the blue mountains..

Very excited as most of the butchers around here don't specialise and can get quite pricey..

Very happy :D

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i agree with ready set go... more low impact exercise like swimming and no dry, no stew and no dentasticks...

Feed raw meat only cooked meat is useless to a dog!

I work in a kennels and we do all dogs on 2 meals a day to avoide bloat in the prone breeds so i agree with that... breakie should always be bigger as they will use the calories if u feed a larger meal at dinner they will sleep and it will turn to fat...

With my golden for breakie raw meat and VAN (i will veg when i get a juicer - veggies need ot have the cellulose broken down for the dog to get anything out of them so pulping is best my breeder uses a juicer then mixes the juice back into the pulp, in that i add vitamin C snd omega oils and some adult formula dry food to make sure she grows the right way LOL dinner is raw bones (necks, drumsticks, wings, lamb necks (usually half and i feed very little dinner on these night as she is a baby) all those sorts of soft bones)... I have done a chicken carcuss but i gave it to her at lunch and she didnt eat anything else for the entire day (17 weeks old lol) she just chewed at it for hrs bahaha if i feed a shank or lamb neck i always cut her dinner in half.

At 18 months i would worry about the dogs missing out on the essentials they are fully grown now so as long as the main groups are covered u should be fine! but most all remeber labs have a SLOOOWWWW metabolism they need ot smeel food to put on weight bahaha the labs at work eat the same amount as many of the small dogs at my work and maintain perfect weight!!

Good luck i think we need pics so when they are all trim we can compare and tell them how purdy they look hehehe keep us updated on ur progress :)

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You might like to use a toy for their training reward if they like playing fetch or tug.

I have found amazingly that my lab actually works better for her special tug toy!

You can also use their dry food as training treats instead of giving it to them in a bowl.

I also agree with what RSG recommended.

My lab girl gets a meaty bone in the morning, then a cup of dry food with some veges. I sometimes take out some of her dry food for training, otherwise I use pieces of apple which is very low fat (and tasty).

She also gets yummy training treats (cabanossi, twiggy stick, roast lamb/veal etc) for obedience and agility days and recall training.

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Thank you for all your responses - very much appreciated and I have taken notes of all your suggestions...

I swim them in summer for over half an hour and walk them 6-7 kms when I get home from work now in the cooler months - lots of hills and power walking...weekends we do a bushwalk for a couple of hours one day and the local dog park for an hour or so as well the other day ...plus Tippi does 3-4 kms gentle walking on the treadmill most days at day care... we have tired puppies most nites :)

I have stepped up their excercise regime over the last few months...seeing results and to be honest Tango doesn't really need to lose weight... but I need to get them leaner as advised as not to put excess weights on their joints... I would like them as lean as your Mindy aussielover she looks fabulous....

BUT poor Tippi :mad

As you said kirst_goldens she just has to smell food and I am sure she puts weight on... I have never really fed her that much from being a small puppy but as the chiro said the is a "good doer" so obviously has a much slower metabolism....

I do prefer feeding raw so will definitly go that way... I am off to purhase a chest freezer this weekend so can stock up on RMB / chicken carcasses / roo mince and roo tails... Now if i had room for a vege garden and pumpkin patch I would be well sorted :D

Aussielover - Tango has a duck tug toy that he LOVES.... I have to hide it from him though after we train bc he is SUCH a chewer :( Tippi - I haven't really found what her motivation is - other than food ! She is such a clever dog though and I secretly thinks she gets a buzz out of being rewarded for learning something new so quickly...

Nekhbet thank you for that link i have just had a look - that is a great site and I think could solve my problem...

The weight loss forumla product looks like it has everything in it and would be more convenient - especially during the work week when time is at a premium..

Looks like Sydney Pet Foods stock and deliver - I know what my new chest freezer will now be full of :D

Thank you again for all your advice/replies...


Kirst_goldens might try and take some piccies on the weekend - I can do before and after shots :D

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