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Mr Bubbitty And The Bitty!


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Just had to share this cuz it was so so so cute!

Bitty is Mr Bubbitty’s dog! Even though I think the world of her and we have our own connection, the love of her life is Mr Bubbitty.

I was on a date with Mr Bubbitty last week. Lovely date, we were enjoying a meal and were probably mid way through the meal, Mr Bubbitty pointed to his lamb chop and said “Oh can you just imagine the Beedoon’s gorgeous muzzle nibbling at this chop”

Then he stopped, pulled a face and said “Damn! I promised myself I was going to go on this entire date and not bring her up!”

Hehehe this is because I often tease him that he can’t seem to go for half an hour without bringing up his Bitty. Lucky I also have my own love affair with the Bubby! :laugh:

Anyone else here have to compete with a dog for their OH’s affections?

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That is so cute! And you're very lucky you found a man who shares your obsession passion for dogs! :D If I told myself to go half hour without talking about the dogs, I'd fail miserably :o My poor work people!!!

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My OH often feels like his in competition with our dogs for my affection. Mostly it's Acheron that he seems to struggle the most with, he loves him but is also very jealous of him! I always say it's because they are both so in my face and always wanting my attention that they clash in that regard.

I also talk about my dogs a LOT, everyone has just accepted it now. :o

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That's really cute :)

Emmy is definitely Daddy's Lil Girl. In Mr CW EW's eyes.. she can do no wrong. Chew his new sneakers he ordered from US.. it's alright. His excuses, "It's alright. It's my Em'.

He is real funny with people touching his pillow, but his Em is allow to share his pillow with him (he gets a little sad if she doesn't share his pillow him).

ETA: Em really really love her daddy. He can't sit down without her on his lap or her giving him kisses... he loves it. He loves it when he walks in the room and Em is playing with me, but stops and runs to him :laugh:

Edited by CW EW
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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

naww.. that's adorable

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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

that story made me smile :)

Edited by Oskar & Zsa Zsa
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Lilly is my husbands little girl - he just adores her. Really, I think Lilly is a bit of a tart though and would happily be anyones, but I don't tell him that ;)

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Akira is my OH's baby. Even if he's in a really bad mood (such as the other night, where the dogs killed wires on the trailer and started trying to make another hole in the grass before I got home from work) Akira just has to walk in the room and he'll get a big cheesy grin on his face and say "it's my puppy". He loves Halo too, but its just not the same.

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Divani is my BF'd girlfriend, he adores her. Fury on another hand he puts up with. She is rude and annoying. I love that about her, as she is also very funny, but to full on for him.

But the brown bitch has a special spot in his heart. All in all I dont have to compete with the dogs for his attention. And I hope he doesnt think he has to compete with them for mine, but who knows, maybe he does ;)

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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

Nawwwww that is toooo cute! :love:

Bitty is hubby's "Baby Girl". He will say "Baby Girl" and she will launch herself at him. He also refers to himself as her "Da Da".

It is so cute to listen to him wash her paws when she gets muddy. I hear snippets like "Now give Da Da your right paw. Don't sulk Baby Girl. All this mud on your face! Da Da dun love muddy pups." Usually followed by "All done now. Give Da Da a kiss."

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Aww, such sweet stories.

You guys are so lucky!! :)

My OH just isn't into animals. Its sad (considering I am a mad animal lover), but he is really very good with our cat and dog considering that.

He takes responsibility for them when I'm not there, cause he loves me. Which is pretty damn nice. :)

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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

Nawwwww that is toooo cute! :love:

Bitty is hubby's "Baby Girl". He will say "Baby Girl" and she will launch herself at him. He also refers to himself as her "Da Da".

It is so cute to listen to him wash her paws when she gets muddy. I hear snippets like "Now give Da Da your right paw. Don't sulk Baby Girl. All this mud on your face! Da Da dun love muddy pups." Usually followed by "All done now. Give Da Da a kiss."

Awww.. that's so sweet too :)

Mr CW used the vietnamese endearment 'Em Oi' only on Em.

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My OH isn't into animals and I have a puppy, 2 cats, 3 horses and a rat poor guy had to adjust lol!! He likes our dog rat and horses but the cats are another story. He can sometimes feel like he's not as loved as the animals which is silly :) he is becoming a good rider tho and I think he will end up loving the animals more than me!! He said he would never let te dog near the leather sofa let alone on it but when I walked in the door yesterday what do I see!! He is sitting there watching tv with zorro sound asleep in his lap ROFL I had to smile!! Apparently he sleeps on his lap while he is in the office doing paperwork and when he plays games lol men can be funny things

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My OH can't give me a kiss without Sonny my 3 year BC rushing over & putting himself in between us & the 'look' my OH gets

off him, it's so funny like, "what are you doing, thats my mum" then he looks back at me with a big smile on his face :laugh:

OH was never a big fan of dog's when we meet. But we have converted him. :laugh: Loves our 2 to bits.

Comes home from work & it's "how are the kids today" while he is rolling around on the floor with them, while they

are giving him kisses.He is a keeper. Who would of thought. Just goes to show you, our furry kids are much more than a pretty faces. ;) :D

Edited by BC Crazy
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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

Aww !! thats so cute :)

Edited by BC Crazy
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My husband calls Dusty "Girlfriend!" and whenever she hears the word, her bum wiggles a million miles an hour. She can be sound asleep and he whispers to her "Girlfriend!" and in her sleep, she wiggles happily. It's so cute!

Nawwwww that is toooo cute! :love:

Bitty is hubby's "Baby Girl". He will say "Baby Girl" and she will launch herself at him. He also refers to himself as her "Da Da".

It is so cute to listen to him wash her paws when she gets muddy. I hear snippets like "Now give Da Da your right paw. Don't sulk Baby Girl. All this mud on your face! Da Da dun love muddy pups." Usually followed by "All done now. Give Da Da a kiss."

Oh gosh this sounds like me :o I have a back step where the dogs have to stop before coming in to have their paws wiped. Millie will put up with it, but Ruby comes up to the step and hands me her paw automatically. When I'm done, I'll say "other one" and she hands me her other paw. All the while I'm talking to her about my baby girl having dirty paws and kissing her head when I'm done :o:rofl:

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Mr CW used the vietnamese endearment 'Em Oi' only on Em.

kekekek don't get me started on the Vietnamese tragic love songs I sing to Bubby as a demonstration of my love!

Last time I did it, Bitty ran into the study and hid with her Da Da.

Bubby, bless him, my faithful devoted boy, sat by my feet with the most tortured expression that said "I am your loyal Bubby Dawg so I will sit through this until the very bitter end!" :laugh:

RubyStar: Just becareful that any new man you meet won't steal your girls from you! Bitty was supposed to be MINE as well!!! I take her in, feed her, clothe her! All that devotion and she runs off with my husband! Wench!

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