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Pregnant Bitch And Jumping


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My bitch may be in whelp (two and a half weeks from mating).

At the moment, softy that I am, she sleeps at the foot of my bed.

She will jump off the bed in the middle of the night to go and toilet. At what point do I stop her from sleeping on the bed to stop her from jumping off the bed?

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thanks all.

We are doing our walks and exercising as per normal.

I had read that she shouldn't be jumping off high things (like the bed) later in her pregnancy. Just wanting to make sure. She reabsorbed a litter late last year/early this year with no explanation (no evidence of injury, infection etc) so being a little more cautious this time around.

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Generally they have enough sense to know what they are capable of clearing however with really small breeds I would be more careful. Off the bed is a small jump for say a dalmation but its a big jump for a pomeranian.

I saw the kelpie cross over the road sail over the 6 foot iron fence the day it dropped its pups :eek: No use being phobic but some common sense should prevail.

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Gabby (Sheltie) was still jumping on and off my bed with seven pups on board until two days before she whelped. My bed is a reasonably high bed.

She was also trying to jump onto the single bed in the whelping room when she was about to drop the pups. I think she thought that because I would not let her stay in the bathroom - which had become her favourite place in the last week she was going to have them on the bed.


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Jazz was still getting on and off the grooming table by her own choice until around 6 weeks and getting on and off the furniture until nearly the end. I worried she would over do it but usually as I looked and thought hmmm should she be doing that she would stop herself over the next day or so.

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