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Starting Out

Rileys mum

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Hi everyone.

Im absolutely certain this topic has probably been done before but i was hoping someone (or several people ) may be able to offer me some of their knowledge.

I am very very interested in getting into showing. I am specifically looking at GSP'S (have an 18 month old and am smitten with the breed and everything that goes with them. I would be looking at getting a second, show quality pup to learn the roaps and have some fun)

I have a breeder whom i really like (who i got my current boy from) and am hoping to get a nice pup from them. My question is, how does one go about getting a quality puppy. I will be honest in saying that i would not be able to pick a quality pup from a litter (i am familiar with the breed standard etc but i just dont have the knowledge to pick a pup that will develop into a well conformed adult dog). How do you approach a breeder and state that you are wanting a show quality pup? I dont want to come across like a complete fool when i take the plunge and start looking so would love to know what other breeders do when selling show quality puppies to beginners. What should i expect? Ive shown horses my whole life and know that i would never have sold any of my youngstock to a beginner who approached me saying they 'wanted to show'. How do i make it clear that i intend to take it seriously, am a responsible owner and want to do the kennel justice (i hope im making sense here lol).

Once i have found a pup, how does one go about learning how to exhibit. Are there classes you can attend to learn these sorts of things. Ive tried google but cant seem to find anything to point me in the right direction.

ANY information would be really appreciated. This is something ive wanted to do for quite some time and im now in a position to really start looking and having some fun :)Ive attended a few shows and think ive got the bug before ive even stepped into the ring lol.

Thanks guys.

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If you trust your breeder, just ask. Tell them your thoughts and ask their advice on finding a quality pup. Most good breeders enjoy the opportunity to mentor someone who is passionate about their breed.

It can be a gamble because many people start out showing and move on to other hobbies etc - taking their quality dog with them. But your background in horse showing should help you out a great deal. Some new folks come into showing with expectations that aren't met, so don't stay.

Most local dog or kennel clubs run show training classes, anything from fairly formal ones to very casual. Someone closer to you should be able to point you in the right direction.

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Yep, just approach the breeder you have your current boy from. Is he neutered/limit reg? If not it might turn out that they're happy for you to show him (I have no idea of your circumstances but odder things have happened :laugh: )

As for getting a show quality pup - well you don't. You can get a pup which has show potential, so if any breeder offers you anything more then run a mile. Not saying the breeders you already know will, just making sure you understand this.

In most breeds it's easier to get a show potential dog puppy if you're a newbie - quality bitches are the life blood of a kennel and are usually jelously guarded!

It could be that the breeder's you know may have a dog pup that's looking good and they'd like to put him in a home where he will be shown if he's good enough, quite possibly on half ownership or something so they can still have access to him as a future stud dog but will know he will have a lovely home and a great life. Talk to them first.

Are they reasonably local to you? If so (assuming they show) they'd be the best people to show you the ropes. If not, they may well know a local exhibitor who will take you under their wing and help you along. Failing this, as Alyosha has already said, most major centres have a club which runs training classes. Some are much better than others, but at least it will give you a place to start.

Good luck and enjoy!

Edited by Sandra777
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Thankyou so much for your info guys.

My current boy is on limited register and is neutered (i got him as a pet/companion. No taking him strutting in the ring but hes my special man and he has made me fall even more in love with the breed than what i was when i first got him :)Ive wanted a second GSP for a while now and ive finally made the decision to take the plunge and get myself into the dog show world :) quite excited about it lol)

Ill definately get in contact with the breeder and see if they would be willing to sell me a nice dog and teach me the ropes :) I feel a big learning curve coming along but im keen for it :)

thanks again :)

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Maybe get your breeder to have a look over your current boy and if he is good enough, they can transfer him to main so you can enter neuter classes and get a taste of dog showing as a start. I am not sure how popular the classes are over in SA though so not sure if thats a worthwhile venture?

Definately helps that you already own one of the breed, I would try and do something else like obedience or agility with your boy in the meantime to show you are dedicated plus it's fun! :D

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There is nothing stopping you from going to show classes if they have them in your area. Just explain to the instructor that your boy is not the one you will be showing but you want to learn how ect before you get your new pup and then hopefully will be able to give the pup a great start- because you know what you're doing. :thumbsup:

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ah i hadnt even thought of neuter classes for my boy. Might be a thought. Ill have a bit of a look into it.

And what an awesome idea taking him to the classes to learn with. I am definately going to look into that. Your spot on....then when i at least get the new pup i will have a fairly solid idea on what i am doing...or trying to do lol.

thanks again everyone. :)

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It could be that the breeder's you know may have a dog pup that's looking good and they'd like to put him in a home where he will be shown if he's good enough, quite possibly on half ownership or something so they can still have access to him as a future stud dog but will know he will have a lovely home and a great life. Talk to them first.

This is exactly what happened to me :) I have a 6 year old neutered boy already, absolutely love the breed and have always kept in touch with my breeder. I contacted her about a month ago to say we may be interested in another puppy soon, and she mentioned she had a lovely show potential boy available to a very special home, and she wanted him to go to someone she knew she could trust. So literally one short week later, we brought home a new baby! :) It has worked out perfectly and our first show is next weekend.

The Rottweiler Club of SA holds show training classes on Port Road on the first and third Thursdays of the month. We will be going along this coming Thurs for our first lesson, looking forward to it! Like you, I currently know ZILCH! :laugh:

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I took my Sibe (also neutered and not a show dog) along to show training classes (at the Rottweiler club where I currently take my shoe puppy) before I got Halo to learn the ropes. Doing it with an older calmer dog first can be much easier to learn than with a naughty baby puppy!

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