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Boxer Friends - Allergy Advise 'please'


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My Inlaws have a boxer... sadly she seems to be allergic to most things. About 6 different weeds and grasses, she seems to suffer from airborn allergens too like seasonal hayfever. She feels the cold terribly so she curls up infront of the heater most of the time, which only makes her sores and itchy bits flare up worse.

I'm told she has a really sensitive stomach too - She cant eat raw food except fish.

Are their any Boxer friends out there with any recomendations for this super sensitive dog ??

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I dont have a boxer but my dog is atopic ( allergies to things in the air that he breathes in) and has food allergies. Mine is allergic to all poultry, breef and all grains especially wheat. He eats roo, lamb, goat, veg and some food called Earthborn Holistc Ocean Fusion. He sees a dermatologist and is on desenstization injections

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I have 3 boxers, one is atopic. Its contact allergies so occasionally when it gets nasty hes on a short course of steroids, bathed every other day with aloveen. Hes pretty much permanantly on zytrec. His main problem is his ears so before going onto oral steroids I try topical to see if that will work first. Tried an elimination diet with him and it made no difference at all but they are fed mainly raw. Oh and they are all on fish oil daily and get sardines a couple of times a week. I have found that its trial and error over the last year. He has this for life so want to keep the oral steroids to a last resort if I can. This all began afer he was tattoed at desexing, have been told its a coincidence but thats his worst site when it flares up. We also got rid of a heap of plants and he had a significant improvement on his chest an belly. Good luck, happy to be a sounding board because it isnt easy.

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