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High Pitched Squeaking


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Poppy (border collie) has always made a horrible high pitched squeaking noise when I've got home. Whilst I didn't pat her when she did it, it didn't really bother me. She now makes this noise every time she sees me and as I work at home that is a lot. She squeaks when playing with the other dogs as well.

We get in the car to go somewhere and it is squeak, squeak, squeak right in my ear for a couple of minutes.

Apparently the neighbors can hear it too and they are about 100 meters away.

Any ideas?

If I am outside I stand and wait until she is quiet before I pat her. If she starts squeaking I remove my hand until she stops.

She has given me a headache this morning.

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If I am outside I stand and wait until she is quiet before I pat her. If she starts squeaking I remove my hand until she stops.

It sounds more like something else is maintaining the behaviour unless this is only a recent approach that you have adopted?

I would try the easiest thing first, and that would be tryptophan supplementation every morning. You probably have a very good idea of how much she is squeaking, but it's worth actually timing it for a week or so, every time you come home (so you have a reasonably uniform antecedent stimulus). This will give you an objective baseline measure. Then begin supplementation.

If, after a couple of weeks, the squeaking has reduced you will know whether it's worth continuing. You may find that if she is less wound-up, it's easier to implement behaviour modification such as giving her specific things to do, quietly, when she greets you.

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I just started this approach a couple of weeks ago as the squeaking was starting to drive me nuts. She is supposed to sit quietly and she gets a pat.

I can't do it when I am inside obviously. And she does a lot of squeaking at me through the window.

I can go out for 5 mins and get home and it is like I have been gone all day.

She squeaks for visitors too and when she gets to dog school.

It is really, really loud. Doesn't last for a super long time though, thank goodness.

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squirt bottle and teach the dog 'quiet'. I had one of those too it's a horrible noise :laugh: at dog club and with visitors redirect her attention to you and reward for being super quiet and bum glued to the ground. Sounds like prey drive gone off a little the left ;)

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oh what happened over the weekend? gosh glad she is still squeaking for you then

sorry dont answer that, my condolences for your loss i did read the other thread, i just didnt link them to this one

:grouphug: terribly sorry

Edited by dandybrush
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