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To my knowledge, there is no ANKC or state link up yet. I'm hopeful that after October, this will change with every state, to allow time for people to get sorted out with the details of the rules. All I can offer is that you email me at [email protected] and I"ll send you the last draft I have. There are a few small things that need attention (descriptions of two stations in how they are performed) and I"m working on it, but at times, it's like hitting a brick wall!

A reminder, do NOT yank off the AKC (American) website the signs and rules, as they are NOT the signs and rules we are using.

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WHen I was googling that was what I had found and thought that it was best not to go there as it would likely be different.

You are doing such a great job of getting it up and running AS and I can imagine that it would be very frustrating at times. Thank you for your effort. The email was extremely helpful. I can at least read through adn get an idea of what goes on.

Had a quick look through and it looks really interesting

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Have pm'd you :)

WHen I was googling that was what I had found and thought that it was best not to go there as it would likely be different.

You are doing such a great job of getting it up and running AS and I can imagine that it would be very frustrating at times. Thank you for your effort. The email was extremely helpful. I can at least read through adn get an idea of what goes on.

Had a quick look through and it looks really interesting

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A Rally Obedience Ribbon Event is being run at Southside Dog Obedience Club on Saturday 17th September commencing 3.00pm

Come along and enjoy the fun of competition, entries taken on the day with both a Novice and Advanced Course being run. An extra Novice will be run at no extra charge.

See Queensland "Dog World" for fabulous information on Rally Obedience and upcoming Events.

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I did suspect that might be the case ;) Glad it is, but a bit disappointed we won't have Rally in January in WA.

That's why we're called WA - Wait Awhile. Just like we'll be waiting forever for RATG which the Eastern states have had all year since the new rules came out at the beginning of the year :(

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Heard there is a couple of Rally Obedience Workshops to be run in Sydney during October 2012.

Does anyone have the details of where, when and who is running the Workshops?

Sounds too good to miss.

One is advertised in this month's Dogs BSW Gazette - page 5 in the official bit ' Saturday 28 and Sunday 30 October

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Yes, I believe there is another one planned - PM Angelsun about that one - think she might have details.

I reckon if you contacted Dogs NSW office they would be able to send you a copy of what's in the Gazette - closing date is Friday 14th October. It's at the German Shepherd Building and Grounds - not sure if that's at Erskine Park (I'm in Tasmania - only been to Erskine Park once :laugh: ). Your CCCQ office would probably send you a photocopy of the relevant bit in the NSW gazette too if you ask them.

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there is a workshop planned for Sunday October 23rd and geared to the judges to prepare them for what they need to know to course design, mark and run their rings. It's a full and busy day planned with hands on design work to be done, practical course building, detailed analysis of judging. I'm not totally sure if this is judges only, but it's geared mostly for them and I beleive sanctioned by Dogs NSW.

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Is there anywhere I could get diagrams to fully explain what the person and the dog have to do to complete the Rally exercises, just to make sure we are doing them correctly :) Thank you

Send me an email and I will send you the ANKC (draft) rule book. This should give you a good start.

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There is a seminar happening in SA with a presenter that is a rally judge and conformation judge as well. Please be aware that this presenter is an AKC judge and most likely will be using SOME of the signs or descriptions on how to do the signs based on the AKC rules and NOT the CKC (which is the model for our Australian Rally O)

Please be aware for ANYONE attending seminars not presented by myself (or a few select individuals that have been well and truly had the rules stamped into their brains by me) that station #20 and #40 have been altered incorrectly. Neither of them are change of direction as indicated, and neither of them are to be preformed BEFORE the sign as it is technically impossible to do the station correctly this way. It has come to my attention that the re writing of the description MAY be based on some AKC, however I speak from trialing experience (unlike a few that seem to feel they fully understand this sport) that the description noted in the ANKC draft is in fact NOT the way we trialled in the USA and doing it the way described, would in fact result in a major point deduction as the station would be performed incorrectly.

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For all Rally Obedience enthusiasts a Rally O Seminar has been arrange for 10th December 2011 by the Queensland Rally Obedience Working Party.

Looks like a must do event and one definitely not to be missed.

All details are available in the September edition of Queensland "Dog World" magazine.

Looks as though it will be good for all prospective competitors once everything is up and running.

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Is there anywhere I could get diagrams to fully explain what the person and the dog have to do to complete the Rally exercises, just to make sure we are doing them correctly :) Thank you

Send me an email and I will send you the ANKC (draft) rule book. This should give you a good start.

I have the draft rule book, I am guessing this is the same??

I was thinking along the lines of diagrams showing say with arrows or something which way the person goes/turns and where the dog needs to go/turn? Is there anything like that available?

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If you have the rules, go to the back pages where the small signs are printed. Beside each is a written description of how to perform that sign.

The trick with this, that some don't get....is you can only get so far with an instruction BOOK, to truly understand this sport, you MUST do practical work with someone that understands how to do each station.

We are constantly running into issues where the trainers are teaching the stations incorrectly, and as a result, we're going to run into some disappointed people when trialing happens when they are marked based on incorrect stations.

I've been trying to do some video, showing correct footwork for both human and dog and make it available but due to recent events in this sport, I won't be putting that effort in. I apologize for this as I know it's the right thing to do, but without the support from my local state dog council, I"m no longer going to be extending myself to the level I have been in the past and sitting back and watching others get the pats on the head.

After the October seminar in Sydney to instruct their judges, I"ll be hanging up my teachers hat. It appears I'm competent enough to instruct obedience judges nationwide, but not competant enough to judge here.

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If you have the rules, go to the back pages where the small signs are printed. Beside each is a written description of how to perform that sign.

The trick with this, that some don't get....is you can only get so far with an instruction BOOK, to truly understand this sport, you MUST do practical work with someone that understands how to do each station.

We are constantly running into issues where the trainers are teaching the stations incorrectly, and as a result, we're going to run into some disappointed people when trialing happens when they are marked based on incorrect stations.

I've been trying to do some video, showing correct footwork for both human and dog and make it available but due to recent events in this sport, I won't be putting that effort in. I apologize for this as I know it's the right thing to do, but without the support from my local state dog council, I"m no longer going to be extending myself to the level I have been in the past and sitting back and watching others get the pats on the head.

After the October seminar in Sydney to instruct their judges, I"ll be hanging up my teachers hat. It appears I'm competent enough to instruct obedience judges nationwide, but not competant enough to judge here.

Thank you for that. I am sorry that all those things have happened to you.

I do agree that instruction in person would be best and I would love to do that but due to my location it is very difficult.

An instructional video for people like myself would be extremely helpful so I can learn the footwork properly without a 1500km round trip and having to organise a farm and young kids. I asked becasue I do realise that the rule book only gets you so far.

I guess I am just going to have to make do and learn along the way and take advantage of any advice I can gain from entering and getting it wrong.

Hopefully they see the error of their ways and give you the support you need.

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The Queensland Rally Obedience Working Party has a DVD ready to go with detailed descriptions and commentary for all Stations.

Included are what our Judges will be looking for and how to execute each Station correctly.

There is a Video rear view along with a Video side view of Teams at each Station and hints on how to minimise the loss of points, especially during the heeling between Stations. The teams on display really worked to a high degree of competence.

Of course any Video DVD of Rally Obedience would not be complete without a fun aspect and to this end the DVD will show some "bloopers" made during filming.

This DVD will not be made available until final ratification of the Rally Obedience Rules by the ANKC. Any final minor amendments to the DVD will be made as a result of changes to the Proposed Rally Obedience Rules that we have at hand at present.

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