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Rip My Cordelia


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I first met Cordelia at Blacktown Pound almost 13yrs ago... before I was involved in Rescue.

I was looking for a black Labrador Retriever puppy to adopt (because surely there would be a black purebred puppy there available for adoption! lol)

I saw a grossly overweight, very sad Labrador Retriever. I thought she was old and sad and whilst I felt for her, I wasn't looking for an adult to take home.

What I didn't realise that day was that she had already chosen me. She was mine and she knew it. It just took me a bit longer to realise.

5 days later, very little sleep and a black Lab who haunted me every time I fell asleep, I finally asked the staff when she was due to be put to sleep... it was first thing the next morning.. her owners had left her for dead.

I found out she was only 2yrs old. I'd sussed out that she had some very basic obedience and she was starved for affection. She would smoosh herself as close to me as she could through the bars of her kennel...

I walked out of the pound, convinced I didn't want an adult dog with no history... I sat in my car and promptly burst into tears...

Cordelia came home with me and she was happy I finally figured out that she was mine forever.

It took some time, but she lost her weight (ok, she battled with her weight on and off at times, but never got to the gargantuan 48kg she was when I adopted her!)

Cordelia was the reason I got involved in Rescue and the reason I started my own so many years ago.

I've lost count of how many foster babies she helped me raise. She cleaned, snuggled, played with and guided babies with her bossy but gentle nature. She was the ultimate nurturer. She loved having puppies around.

She was a people person, but more than anyone else, she loved me. Even when I wasn't particularly loveable, she loved me anyway. When others left, when my heart was sad, when friends disappeared, she was my constant companion.

She grew up with Sean and recently, has helped my William start walking. She adored both my boys.

Cordelia is the bravest dog I knew. She didn't do anything heroic, but when she broke her leg 14mths ago and osteosarcoma was found (and consequently amputated the leg at 13yrs old), she was so very brave. She recovered faster than anyone thought she would. She managed to walk well when many thought she wouldn't. She had a will to live that was, I am sure, for my benefit.. because I wanted her to survive.

She tried valiently this time too. She was so stoic and brave but the bastard cancer returned and attacked her elbow. She tried so hard to be brave, but today, she was distressed and she didn;t try to hide it as much. She needed me to let her go. To help her go. She was in excrutiating pain and wasn't going to get better.. the cancer had spread to her lungs and liver.

With an utterly broken heart, I said goodbye to my old girl.

Genevieve is fretting for her "mum".

1997 - 2011

My gorgeous girl 2wks ago.


Edited by Cordelia
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:cry: Oh, Cordy .. over the years I have been a DOLer , photos and stories of your girl always popped up amongst the tales of the rescues that came & went - & your absolute love for her shone thru.

It's been a long time to have her in your life..and the hole will be ragged.

Thinking of you ,and Sean ..and baby William (and the gorgeous Genivieve).

Run proudly over the bridge, old lady .. you carry a lot of love with you.


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What a beautifully written tribute. You gave this lovely lady a long and wonderful life, longer than many of us have with a dog we raise from a puppy...She will be waiting for you at the bridge with all four legs, and run joyously to greet you...Thinking of you. :cry:

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Rest in Peace Cordelia...

Jacq, your tribute is just beautiful.

The bonds we form with our canine companions is only understood by others of the same mind. Those that don't think like we do, have my deepest sympathy for they will never know the love we feel and the unconditional love and devotion we get in return from our dogs.

Cordy was certainly a wonderful ambassador for all dogs.

Hugs to you and yours on what is sure to be a very hard day but remember, she will be waiting at the bridge, just like she waited at the pound for you to come back for her.


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My deepest condolences for your loss. A friend like that is sorely missed. You met for a reason and with a spirit that strong, I am sure you will meet again.

Run free old girl.

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